English Translation of “最后” | Collins Chinese-English ...
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- 1Chinese Word: 最后 - Talking Chinese English Dictionary
最后 zuì hòu (Trad.: 最後) HSK 3. 最后. Dictionary; Sample Sentences; Writing. final; last; finally; ul...
- 2English Translation of “最后” | Collins Chinese-English ...
Ultimately means finally, after a long series of events. I think they will ultimately succeed. Am...
- 3Meaning of 最後 in Japanese | RomajiDesu Japanese dictionary
Definition of 最後, meaning of 最後 in Japanese: 1 definitions matched, 16 related definitions, and 1...
- 4最後- Wiktionary
Usage notesEdit. Not to be confused with " 最期 ( さいご ) (saigo)". "最後" means "end of something", "最...
- 5Japanese Meaning of 最後, さいご, saigo | Nihongo Master
) no sooner than - Definition of 最後, さいご, saigo.