Google Analytics URL Builder | Facebook
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Campaign Source. (utm_source). Required. Use utm_source to identify facebook ads as your source of traffic. Example: utm_source=facebook. Campaign Medium. JumptoSectionsofthispageAccessibilityhelpPressalt+/toopenthismenuFacebookJoinorlogintoFacebook EmailorphonePasswordForgott
- 1What Is a UTM Code? The Complete Guide Everyone Can Love
Source; Medium; Content (optional); Campaign. That's why a UTM-tagged URL looks like this: https:...
- 2UTM Codes Guide with Examples: Know Which Campaigns ...
Social, Organic, Paid, Email, Affiliates, are all core marketing channels that include multiple t...
- 3What is the difference between Source & Medium in Google Analytics?
- 4Campaigns and traffic sources - Analytics Help - Google Support
Understanding campaigns & traffic sources ... In Analytics, the ad campaigns, search engines, soc...
- 5UTM是什麼?如何善用UTM標籤精確分辨你的網站流量來源
1. 廣告活動來源Campaign Source:用以表示為你帶來流量網站或是來源,比方說Google搜尋引擎、臉書、電子報。 · 2. 廣告活動媒介Campaign Meduim:表示行銷或廣...