literatus是什么意思? literatus翻译(中文英文):文学界, 学者 ...
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- 1literatus - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
- 2literatus 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
[L. litteratus, literatus.] A learned man; a man acquainted with literature; -- chiefly used in t...
- 3Literatus | Definition of Literatus by Merriam-Webster
History and Etymology for literatus. New Latin, back-formation from English literati (taken as La...
- 4Literatus Meaning | Best 1 Definitions of Literatus
What does literatus mean? (chiefly in the plural) A learned person; one acquainted with literatur...
- 5Literatus | Definition of Literatus at
Literatus definition, a member of the literati, or intellectual class: My daughter married a true...