Skylar's Merfolk 2 (Modern MTG Deck) - TappedOut
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Updated Aug 06, 2017 by Skamos66 using our MTG Deck Builder. Any Suggestions Help! I'm Going to try Sideboard Spell Queller for UW ... Skylar's Merfolk 2. T/O DeckBuilder Cards Events DraftSim Cubes Forums RulesQ&A Community Cardsearch Decksearch Classic Light Dark login sign-up UnreadMessages Allchats Close Notifications Subscriptions Notifications Loading... Close Inventory Inventory Binder ToggleDropdown Viewtrades Wishlist Alters SharedDecks Folders CreateList CreateDeck Loading... Close Skylar'sMerfolk2 Modern Skamos66 Edit LiveEdit Edit Upvote 0 Deckcycle Deckcycle FeatureQueue Playtest v1 SimilarDeckSpace Auto-suggestions CardKingdom$420-450 TCGPlayerMkt $320-365 avg:$373-$416 low:$238-$266 high:$1113-$14256 CardHoarder84.13TIX CheckoutAcquireboard Comparetoinventory Comparetoanotherdeck Spoiler Timeline CardOdds Drawhand Addtofolder Copy Admin RegenCharts Download/Export/EmbedCode Type Subtype Rarity Color Latestset Latestblock Board Convertedcost Keyword TCGPlayerAvgPrice TCGPlayerHighPrice TCGPlayerLowPrice TCGPlayerMarketPrice ChaosCardsPrice CardKingdomPrice CardhoarderPrice Custom Type Subtype Rarity Name Quantity Convertedcost TCGPlayerAvgPrice TCGPlayerHighPrice TCGPlayerLowPrice TCGPlayerMarketPrice ChaosCardsPrice CardKingdomPrice CardhoarderPrice Creature (29) 4x Cursecatcher 4x HarbingeroftheTides 1x Kira,GreatGlass-Spinner 4x LordofAtlantis 4x MasterofthePearlTrident 4x MasterofWaves 4x MerrowReejerey 4x SilvergillAdept Land (19) 1x CavernofSouls 14x Island 4x Mutavault Instant (4) 2x EchoingTruth 2x VaporSnag Enchantment (4) 4x SpreadingSeas Artifact (4) 4x AetherVial Sideboard (15) 1x Dismember 2x GutShot 3x Hurkyl'sRecall 3x RelicofProgenitus 2x TidebinderMage 4x UnifiedWill Maybeboard Instant (7) 1x Dissipate 1x Downpour 1x ManaLeak 1x Negate 1x ThinkTwice 1x ThoughtScour 1x Unsummon Creature (2) 1x DakraMystic 1x DiffusionSliver AnySuggestionsHelp!I'mGoingtotrySideboardSpellQuellerforUWCOntrol Suggestions Spoiler Timeline CardOdds Drawhand Addtofolder Copy Admin RegenCharts Download/Export/EmbedCode UpdatesAdd Comments Attention!CompleteCommentTutorial!Thisannoyingmessagewillgoawayonceyoudo! Comment: Important! Formattingtips— CommentTutorial— markdownsyntax Pleaselogintocomment Addtofolder Newfolder Folder --------- Close Export/Download Printable Text(.txt) CSV Multiverseid(.txt) Markdown/Reddit MTGO(.dek) MTGSalvation MTGArena Copytoclipboard 4AetherVial(IMA)212 1CavernofSouls(UMA)237 4Cursecatcher(SHM) 2EchoingTruth(C19)84 4HarbingeroftheTides(DDT)7 14Island(SNC)264 1Kira,GreatGlass-Spinner(JMP)154 4LordofAtlantis(TSB)24 4MasterofthePearlTrident(DDT)9 4MasterofWaves(DDT)1 4MerrowReejerey(DDT)13 4Mutavault(M14)228 4SilvergillAdept(RIX)53 4SpreadingSeas(ZEN)70 2VaporSnag(MM2)66 1Dismember(MM2)79 2GutShot(MM2)117 3Hurkyl'sRecall(MM2)48 3RelicofProgenitus(EMA)231 2TidebinderMage(DDT)22 4UnifiedWill(ROE)92 Copiedtoclipboard.YoucannowimportitintheMTGArenaclient. ImageExport(Instagram,Twitter) InTappedOut'scomments/forums InTappedOut'scomments/forumswithpie-chart Onyourblog ThiswillrequireTappedOut.jsincludedinyourblog. PrivateShareUrl Otherpeoplecanviewyourprivatedeckbyusingthisurl RegenerateLink Close Dateadded 4years Lastupdated 4years Legality ThisdeckisModernlegal. Rarity(main-side) 5-0MythicRares21-5Rares12-8Uncommons8-2Commons Cards 60 Avg.CMC 2.07 Tokens Elemental1/0U Votes Ignoredsuggestions Sharedwith Views SimilarDecksSeespace SeptemberMTGOFish tfsgoku MDN FolkYou! Eff_Delver MDN MerfolkCountry Pins92 MDN Merfolk Gloveman1213 MDN MerfolkModern freenate08 MDN Acquireboard SeemstherearenocardsintheAcquireboard Close ComparetoDeck Close Compare UnreadMessages Allchats Close Notifications Subscriptions Notifications Loading... Close Inventory Inventory Binder ToggleDropdown Viewtrades Wishlist Alters SharedDecks Folders CreateList CreateDeck Loading... Close × MagictheGathering,FNMisTMandcopyrightWizardsoftheCoast,Inc,asubsidiaryofHasbro,Inc.Allrightsreserved.Thissiteisunaffiliated.Articlesandcommentsareuser-submittedanddonotrepresentofficialendorsementsofthissite. Thissite©,LLC Contact| Feeds| Help| TermsofUse| Privacystatement| DMCArequests| DiscordServer| TappedOut.jsBlogWidget
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