Rego - A Go regular expression tester
文章推薦指數: 80 %
Rego. A Go regular expression tester. Your regular expression : Test string : rego. Find all submatch. Clear all fields. Match : rego. Match groups : ... Rego AGoregularexpressiontester Yourregularexpression: Teststring: rego Findallsubmatch Clearallfields Match: Matchgroups: # GroupName GroupMatch GoRegExpQuickReference(©Rubular) [abc] Asinglecharacterof:a,borc [^abc] Anysinglecharacterexcept:a,b,orc [a-z] Anysinglecharacterintherangea-z [a-zA-Z] Anysinglecharacterintherangea-zorA-Z ^ Startofline $ Endofline \A Startofstring \z Endofstring . Anysinglecharacter \s Anywhitespacecharacter \S Anynon-whitespacecharacter \d Anydigit \D Anynon-digit \w Anywordcharacter(letter,number,underscore) \W Anynon-wordcharacter \b Anywordboundary (...) Captureeverythingenclosed (a|b) aorb a? Zerooroneofa a* Zeroormoreofa a+ Oneormoreofa a{3} Exactly3ofa a{3,} 3ormoreofa a{3,6} Between3and6ofa Fullsyntaxreferenceat
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Rego. A Go regular expression tester. Your regular expression : Test string : rego. Find all subm...
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