Magpul CTR Carbine Stock (CTR Stock) - Items - EFT Scav
文章推薦指數: 80 %
EFT Scav: Magpul CTR Carbine Stock (CTR Stock) Flea Market Price, information, trade, Hideout, arbitrage and crafting. ... Escape From Tarkov Database.
- 1ストック - Escape from Tarkov Wiki* -
MOE Carbine stockパッド付けると優秀ねぇ。最高クラスのCTRよりエルゴ1劣るだけで半額以下で調達できる。汎用チューブ系はAK系と違ってストックの ...
- 2Magpul CTR Carbine stock - Escape from Tarkov Wiki
The Magpul CTR Carbine stock (CTR) is a stock in Escape from Tarkov. Drop-in replacement buttstoc...
- 3Logic behind part stats and their effects? - General game forum
In Tarkov, however, the CTR is cheaper, lighter and less effective of ... [2] https://www.magpul....
- 4CST -
Available modding slots to fit attachments on this attachment. Stock. MOE Stock. MOE Stock FDE. M...
- 5Magpul CTR Carbine stock - Tarkov Database