Junior | Institut français du Royaume-Uni
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The DELF junior is for students who are under 18 years old. Contact. Examination Centre: [email protected]. Latest News. > Check ... FrenchCoursesCinéLumièreLaMédiathèqueEventsCalendarEducationJoin&SupportUsAbout Home GroupCourses PrivateTuition BusinessFrench Exams StudyingwithUs Exams DELF/DALF TousPublics Junior Prim Results Oralexamschedule ExamPreparation ProfessionalFrenchExams TCF DAEFLE PleasenotethatduetoCovid-19restrictions,spacesarecurrentlyverylimitedandfillupfast.Westronglyadviseallcandidatesnottowaittoregister. Pleasenotethatoralexamsmaybeheldontwodifferentdatesatshortnotice. Enrolmentfor2022DELFJUNIORexamswillstarton1stJanuary2021at00.01am. Examinations March2022session Deadlineforenrolment:3rdFebruary2022 June2022session Deadlineforenrolment:9thMay2022 November2022session Deadlineforenrolment:24thOctober2022 Syllabuses Whatisyourlevel? DELFJuniorA1 DELFJuniorA2 DELFJuniorB1 DELFJuniorB2 Fees UnitA1 £80 UnitA2 £85 UnitB1 £105 UnitB2 £120 Enrolment Clickheretoenrolnow TheDELFjuniorisforstudentswhoareunder18yearsold. Contact ExaminationCentre:[email protected] LatestNews >Checkourofferofonsite&onlineFrenchcourses. >NeedaquickFrenchfix?TryourEveningandSaturdayExpresscoursesopeningthisweektoboostyourFrenchinnotime! >Checkoursafetymeasures Register Online,Onsiteorboth,joinourFrenchcourses RegisterNow LevelAssessment Withourfreelevelassessment,youcanfindoutyourlevelofFrenchproficiencyinminutes FreeLevelAssessment Anyquestions? SeeourFAQs Wearecommittedtoprotectingandrespectingyourprivacy.ClickonourCookiesPolicytofindoutmore.OkCookiesPolicy
- 1DELF Junior Exam - Alliance Française Hong Kong
The junior version of DELF (12 to 17 years old) has the same basic structure as the standard DELF...
- 2學法語- 青少年檢定考試Le DELF A2 Scolaire et junior - 蝦皮購物
... Broché : 160 pages Poids : 400 g Dimensions : 19.2 x 0.8 x 27 cm 購買學法語- 青少年檢定考試Le DEL...
- 3DELF junior version: French diplomas for teenagers
The junior version of DELF is perfectly fit to teenagers between 12 and 18 years old in middle an...
- 4Nouveau DELF Junior & Scolaire (B1) - Livre + CD audio 書+CD
書名:Nouveau DELF Junior & Scolaire (B1) - Livre + CD audio 書+CD,語言:法語,ISBN:9782090352368,出版社:Cle I...
- 5DELF Junior (Secondary School) - Exams - Alliance Française ...
DELF Junior is the second level in the DELF/DALF series of certificates awarded by the French Min...