Apple Pulls Taiwanese Flag Emoji From iPhones in Hong Kong
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Apple Inc. removed the Taiwanese flag emoji from some iPhones, underscoring the difficult balance the company must strike in supporting free ... We'vedetectedunusualactivityfromyourcomputernetwork Tocontinue,pleaseclicktheboxbelowtoletusknowyou'renotarobot. Whydidthishappen? PleasemakesureyourbrowsersupportsJavaScriptandcookiesandthatyouarenotblockingthemfromloading.FormoreinformationyoucanreviewourTermsofServiceandCookiePolicy. NeedHelp? ForinquiriesrelatedtothismessagepleasecontactoursupportteamandprovidethereferenceIDbelow. BlockreferenceID:
- 1Apple Pulls Taiwanese Flag Emoji From iPhones in Hong Kong
Apple Inc. removed the Taiwanese flag emoji from some iPhones, underscoring the difficult balance...
- 2🇹🇼 Flag for Taiwan Emoji - Emojipedia
The flag for Taiwan (officially Republic of China), which may show as the letters TW on some plat...
- 3🇹🇼 Flag for Taiwan Emoji - Emojipedia
- 4Apple Hides Taiwan Flag in Hong Kong - Emojipedia
Above: Taiwan's flag has been removed from the iOS emoji keyboard in Hong Kong. · Above: 🇹🇼Taiwan...
- 5Emojis of all country flags in the world |