指导- Translation in English - bab.la
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指导 [zhǐdǎo] {noun} ; guide · (also: 向导, 导游, 导游者, 引导者, 指南, 领路人) ; instructions · (also: 指令, 指示, 教育, 用法说明(书)) ; counseling · (also: 咨询服务 ... bab.laarrow_drop_down bab.la-Onlinedictionaries,vocabulary,conjugation,grammar Togglenavigation share Translator Dictionary Conjugation Examples Phrasebook WordFinder Morearrow_drop_down Games Quizzes Grammar Dictionaries Livingabroad Aboutbab.la share public WebsiteLanguage arrow_drop_down WebsiteLanguage cn 汉语 en English Searchdictionary expand_more chinese Chinese swap_horiz expand_more english English search Translate cancel Translatearrow_forward Pleasechoosedifferentsourceandtargetlanguages. Switchlanguage Didyouknow?Mostofourdictionariesarebidirectional,meaningthatyoucanlookupwordsinbothlanguagesatthesametime. arabicArabic chineseChinese czechCzech danishDanish dutchDutch englishEnglish esperantoEsperanto finnishFinnish frenchFrench georgianGeorgian germanGerman greekGreek gujaratiGujarati hindiHindi hungarianHungarian indonesianIndonesian italianItalian japaneseJapanese koreanKorean latvianLatvian malayMalay northern_sothoNorthernSotho norwegianNorwegian polishPolish portuguesePortuguese quechuaQuechua romanianRomanian russianRussian spanishSpanish swahiliSwahili swedishSwedish tajikTajik tamilTamil tatarTatar teluguTelugu thaiThai tok_pisinTokPisin tswanaTswana turkishTurkish turkmenTurkmen urduUrdu vietnameseVietnamese xhosaXhosa zuluZulu bab.la Dictionary Chinese-English 指导 "指导"Englishtranslation CN "指导"inEnglish volume_up 指导 [zhǐdǎo]{vb} EN volume_up coaching govern instruct supervise direct guide coach supervising coached tutor volume_up 指导 [zhídǎo]{vb} EN volume_up coach guide volume_up 指导 [zhǐdǎo]{noun} EN volume_up guide instructions counseling instruction direction guidance directions steering Moreinformation Translations Contextsentences Translations CN 指导 [zhǐdǎo]{verb} volume_up 指导(also:训练) volume_up coaching {vb} 指导(also:决定,抑制,控制,支配,管理,统治) volume_up govern {vb} 指导(also:命令,指示,教,教导,教育,通知,教授) volume_up instruct {vb} 指导(also:审阅,监察,监督,监视,管理,监,督察) volume_up supervise {vb} 指导(also:引导,指向,管理,针对,径直的,直接的,直接的,直率的,直系的) volume_up direct {vb} 指导(also:带领,引,引导,操纵,支配,管理,为...领路,导游,领路) volume_up guide {vb} 指导(also:训练,辅导,教练) volume_up coach {vb} 指导(also:监督,管理) volume_up supervising {vb} 指导(also:训练) volume_up coached {vb} 指导(also:教,辅导,个别指导,当…的家庭教师) volume_up tutor {vb} CN 指导 [zhídǎo]{verb} volume_up 1.sports 指导(also:训练) volume_up coach {vb} 指导(also:带领,操纵,支配,管理) volume_up guide {vb} CN 指导 [zhǐdǎo]{noun} volume_up 指导(also:向导,导游,导游者,引导者,指南,领路人) volume_up guide {noun} 指导(also:指令,指示,教育,用法说明(书)) volume_up instructions {pl} 指导(also:咨询服务,商议,辅导,顾问服务) volume_up counseling {noun} 指导(also:命令,指令,指示,教学,教授,教育,训练,指示,用法说明,用法说明(书)) volume_up instruction {noun} 指导(also:指令,指示,方,方位,方向,用法,管理,说明,趋势,(常用复数)指示) volume_up direction {noun} 指导(also:向导,引导,领导,上市辅导) volume_up guidance {noun} more_vert open_in_newLinktosource warningRequestrevision 招生就业指导办公室 expand_moreenrolmentandvocationguidanceoffice more_vert open_in_newLinktosource warningRequestrevision 成人指导工作人员 adultguidanceworker 指导(also:方向,用法,趋势,(常用复数)指示,收件人地址,说明(书)) volume_up directions {pl} 指导(also:掌舵,操纵) volume_up steering {noun} Contextsentences Chinese English Contextualexamplesof"指导"inEnglish Thesesentencescomefromexternalsourcesandmaynotbeaccurate.bab.laisnotresponsiblefortheircontent. 招生就业指导办公室 more_vert open_in_new Linktosource warning Requestrevision enrolmentandvocationguidanceoffice 电视节目现场指导 more_vert open_in_new Linktosource warning Requestrevision televisionfloormanager 广告艺术指导 more_vert open_in_new Linktosource warning Requestrevision advertisingartdirector 成人指导工作人员 more_vert open_in_new Linktosource warning Requestrevision adultguidanceworker More Browsebyletters A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T W X Y Z Otherdictionarywords Chinese 指定(时间,地点)指定(时间、地点等)指定(款项等的)用途指定人指定人士指定名称指定的指定的财产受益人指定航路指对每个页面元素的请求指导 指导原则指导员指导委员会指导手册指导教室指导教师指导方针指导的指导老师指导者 Doyouwanttotranslateintootherlanguages?HavealookatourVietnamese-Englishdictionary. commentRequestrevision Close Livingabroad TipsandHacksforLivingAbroad Everythingyouneedtoknowaboutlifeinaforeigncountry. Readmore Phrases Speaklikeanative UsefulphrasestranslatedfromEnglishinto28languages. Seephrases Hangman Hangman Fancyagame?Orlearningnewwordsismoreyourthing?Whynothaveagoatthemtogether! Playnow arrow_upward Let'sstayintouch Dictionaries Translator Dictionary Conjugation Examples Quizzes Games Phrasebook Livingabroad Magazine Aboutbab.la Aboutus Contact Advertising refreshclosevolume_up
- 1指導的英文翻譯 - 海词词典
- guide; direct; guidance; conduct; direction: I am very grateful to you for your advice. 多謝你的指導。...
- 2指导- Translation into English - examples Chinese
Translations in context of "指导" in Chinese-English from Reverso Context: 指导原则, 指导方针, 指导和业务洽谈, 提供指...
- 3English Translation of “指导” - Collins Dictionary
In other languages. 指导 ... If you supervise an activity or a person, you make sure that the activ...
- 4zhǐ dǎo | Definition | Mandarin Chinese Pinyin English Dictionary
指导definition at Chinese.Yabla.com, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyi...
- 5Translation of 指导to English with examples of 指导
English definition and translation from Chinese of: 指导with examples on how to use, sound, pronunc...