不方便- Translation in English - bab.la
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- 1Google Translate帮助
- 2How do you say "我现在不方便接电话" in English (US)?
It is not convenient for me to answer the phone call now. See a translation.
- 3電話- Translation from Chinese into English - LearnWithOliver
Example Sentences: 她現在不方便接聽電話。 她现在不方便接听电话。 ta1 xian4 zai4 bu4 fang1 bian4 jie1 ting1 dian4 hua4. ...
- 4翻译
translate文字. insert_drive_file文档. language网站. 文本翻译. 丹麦语. 检测语言. 丹麦语. 英语. 中文. swap_horiz. 斯瓦希里语. 斯瓦...
- 5第48课英语电话之不方便接电话_抱歉我现在不方便接电话英文- 神马 ...
对不起,现在我不方便接电话。2)I am sorry, but I am in a meeting right now. ... choose to you most convenient ha...