Drawing tool
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This website is an online drawing tool where you can draw stuff fastly and create animated image (Gif). DRAWISLAND DRAWINGTOOL Minimalist Device @drawisland 200x200-400x400-800x400-1024x768-CUSTOM IMPORT 90° 180° SAVETOANIMATE (new)Transparentbackground:yes No # Deleteallframes Layers(0) Selecttoduplicate Opacity % Size px Arial ArialBlack TrebuchetMS Courier Helvetica Verdana Georgia Palatino Impact ComicSansMS Tahoma TimesNewRoman LucidaSans Normal Bold Radius px ColorPalette SAVEYOURDRAWING(S)EASILYANDACCESSYOURIMAGESLATER. + Clear Load + Clear Load + Clear Load + Clear Load + Clear Load + Clear Load + Clear Load + Clear Load + Clear Load + Clear Load + Clear Load RESETALL Saveyourdrawing:Simplyselect+thenyourdrawingwillbesavedintoabox. ClearorLoad:(Clear)deleteanimagefrommemory.(Load)willloadimageintothedrawingarea. Refreshsavedimage:Ifyouclickonasavedimage(inabox),theimagefromthedrawingareawilltakeitsplace,asanewrecording. -Yougotfeedbacks,youfoundbugs?sendusmessage Draw,createshape,saveyouronlinedrawingswiththiswebsite Youcandrawonline:changesizes,colorsanduseshapeslikerectangle,round,....andsaveresult Youcaneasilysaveimage(thedrawing)toyourcomputer ImportimagetothisDrawingtool(MaxFileSize:1Mb=1000Kb) Tips:KeyboardUforUndoandRforRedo Allshapescanbeduplicated.Helpfultocreateacirclewiththesamesizeorarectangle...ShowExample? MakeGifwithfreestyledrawings(Max30frames) Youcanaddtexttothedrawingeasily,specifyfontfamily...versionhasbeenimproved. Drawingslookmoresmooth,andusingpencilwillgeneratelayerthatyoucanduplicateeasily. ©2022-Drawisland.com-betav1.1-Contact -Cookies-Privacy-infos
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