encrypto — The Perio Group
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Encrypto Setup. We share information with patients and referring practices. To ensure data is kept private and secure at all times we make use of a small ... DatasharingwithTheperiogroup EncryptoSetup Weshareinformationwithpatientsandreferringpractices.ToensuredataiskeptprivateandsecureatalltimeswemakeuseofasmallapplicationcalledEncrypto.Theapplicationallowustosendafileinanencryptedformat.Foryouasthereceivertobeabletoseethecontent,youwillneedtoinstallacopyofthefreeEncryptoClient.Onceinstalled,youcancallthepracticetoconfirmthepasswordusedtodecryptthefile.1.InstallEncryptofollowingthelinkbelow.2.Downloadourfileendingwith.encrypto3.DragthefileontotheEncryptoAppanditwilldecryptthefileforyou.VerydetailedinstructionscanbefoundontheEncryptowebsite.Takesometimetoreview DownloadEncryptoContactThePractice
- 1Encrypto: Securely encrypt your files before sending them to ...
Encrypto is a free app for both Mac and Windows that allows you to add encryption to a file befor...
- 2MacPaw/ENCryptor: Encryption engine powering Encrypto app
Encryption engine powering Encrypto app. Contribute to MacPaw/ENCryptor development by creating a...
- 3在Mac App Store 上的「Encrypto: Secure Your Files」
Encrypto is a free, easy-to-use app that lets you encrypt files with AES-256 encryption and then ...
- 4encrypto — The Perio Group
Encrypto Setup. We share information with patients and referring practices. To ensure data is kep...
- 5Encrypto - Download
The Encrypto app uses AES-256 encryptions that allow you to send very private messages and files ...