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原理解析在Android平臺而言,URI主要分三個部分:scheme,authority,path ... 如果host沒有指定,那麼port,path,pathPrefix,pathPattern均無效! 程式語言前端開發IOS開發Android開發雲端運算人工智慧伺服器搜尋資料庫軟體開發工具網頁開啟AndroidAPP2018.05.27Android開發android,html,java,javascript,windowsHOMEAndroid開發網頁開啟AndroidAPPAdvertisement目錄1.原理解析2.實現方法3.拓展4.
- 1Android intent-filter pathPattern - Stack Overflow
Try with this, <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category and...
- 2intent-filter的匹配规则- 简书
<data android:host="sdcard" android:mimeType="video/mp4" android:path="/sdcard/1. ... pathPatter...
- 3<data> | Android 开发者 | Android Developers
仅当同时为过滤器指定了 scheme 和 host 属性时,此属性才有意义。 android:path android:pathPrefix android:pathPattern: URI 的...
- 4Intent Filters and android:pathPattern - Stack Overflow
You're close, but missing the final part. This should work for you: android:pathPattern="/.*/.*/...
- 5<data> | Android Developers - MIT
The pathPrefix attribute specifies a partial path that is matched against only the initial part o...