YouTube Autoplay Feature - How YouTube Works
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The Autoplay feature on YouTube enables a “lean back” experience and keeps videos playing without you having to select a new video when the video you're ... Usersettings Autoplay Overview TheAutoplayfeatureonYouTubeenablesa“leanback”experienceandkeepsvideosplayingwithoutyouhavingtoselectanewvideowhenthevideoyou’rewatchingfinishes. YoucanchoosetoturnofftheAutoplayfeatureatanytimeusingthetoggleoptionavailableonthewatchpage. Autoplay:YoucanchoosetoturnofftheAutoplayfeatureatanytime. ResourcesLearnhowtoturnautoplayoff Relatedarticles Promotingdigitalwellbeing Readmore AdSettings Readmore Parentalcontrols Readmore
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