用心 - Translation in English - bab.la
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Translation for '用心' in the free Japanese-English dictionary and many other English translations. bab.la-Onlinedictionaries,vocabulary,conjugation,grammar share outlined_flag arrow_drop_down WebsiteLanguage en English ja 日本語 menu Dictionary Translator Conjugation Examples Phrasebook Grammar Livingabroad Games Quizzes WordFinder WordleSolver Searchdictionary expand_more japanese Japanese swap_horiz english English search Translate cancel Translatearrow_forward Pleasechoosedifferentsourceandtargetlanguages. english English swap_horiz spanish Spanish polish Polish swap_horiz english English english English swap_horiz russian Russian vietnamese Vietnamese swap_horiz english English english AllEnglishdictionaries Multilanguagestranslator arrow_forward bab.la Dictionary Japanese-English 用心 Whatisthetranslationof"用心"inEnglish? ja 用心 = en volume_up care chevron_left Translations Translator Phrasebookopen_in_new chevron_right JA "用心"inEnglish 用心 {noun} EN volume_up care caution guarding precaution vigilance Translations JA 用心 {noun} 用心(also:気配り,気遣い,心配,念,念入れ,配慮,撫育,保護,気苦労,ケア) volume_up care {noun} 用心(also:警戒,着意,注意,念の入れ方,縛め,誡告,訓諭,警め) volume_up caution {noun} more_vert open_in_newLinktosource warningRequestrevision 用心するに如くはない Cautionisthebestpolicy 用心(also:鎮護,備え,警戒ぶり) volume_up guarding {noun} 用心(also:警戒,予防) volume_up precaution {noun} 用心(also:警戒,不寝番,不眠症,ヴィジランス) volume_up vigilance {noun} Contextsentences Japanese English Contextualexamplesof"用心"inEnglish Thesesentencescomefromexternalsourcesandmaynotbeaccurate.bab.laisnotresponsiblefortheircontent. 用心するに如くはない more_vert open_in_new Linktosource warning Requestrevision Cautionisthebestpolicy 用心して more_vert open_in_new Linktosource warning Requestrevision onone'sguard More Browsebyletters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Otherdictionarywords Japanese 用務員用向き用命用品用器用器画用地用字用度用役用心 用心して用心するに如くはない用心な用心堅固用心棒用心深い用意用意ができている用意する用意に掛かる SearchformorewordsintheEnglish-Esperantodictionary. commentRequestrevision Close Livingabroad TipsandHacksforLivingAbroad Everythingyouneedtoknowaboutlifeinaforeigncountry. Readmore Phrases Speaklikeanative UsefulphrasestranslatedfromEnglishinto28languages. Seephrases Hangman Hangman Fancyagame?Orlearningnewwordsismoreyourthing?Whynothaveagoatthemtogether! Playnow arrow_upward Let'sstayintouch Dictionaries Translator Dictionary Conjugation Examples Quizzes Games Phrasebook Livingabroad Magazine Aboutbab.la Aboutus Contact Advertising refreshclosevolume_up
- 1用心meaning in English - Ichacha
用心mearning in English : 1.(集中注意力) diligently; attentiv…. click for more detailed English meaning,...
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English definition and translation from Chinese of: 用心with examples on how to use, sound, pronunc...
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Translation for '用心' in the free Japanese-English dictionary and many other English translations.
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