Kobe Bryant - If you're afraid to fail, then you're... - Brainy Quote
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Kobe Bryant Quotes ... If you're afraid to fail, then you're probably going to fail. Kobe Bryant · Afraid Going Fail Then You ... SiteHomeAuthorsTopicsQuoteOfTheDayTop100QuotesProfessionsBirthdaysAboutAboutUsContactUsTermsOfServicePrivacySettingsPrivacyPolicyCopyright©2001-2022BrainyQuote Home Authors Topics QuoteOfTheDay KobeBryantQuotes Ifyou'reafraidtofail,thenyou'reprobablygoingtofail. KobeBryant Afraid Going Fail Then You RelatedAuthors MichaelJordan, LeBronJames, DennisRodman, RasheedWallace, MagicJohnson, DianaTaurasi, AlHorford, MarcusSmart Info American - BasketballPlayer August23,1978 - January26,2020 CitethisPage: Citation QuotestoExplore Italwaysseemsimpossibleuntilit'sdone. NelsonMandela 'Tisbettertohavelovedandlostthannevertohavelovedatall. AlfredLordTennyson Isleptanddreamtthatlifewasjoy.Iawokeandsawthatlifewasservice.Iactedandbehold,servicewasjoy. RabindranathTagore Beingdeeplylovedbysomeonegivesyoustrength,whilelovingsomeonedeeplygivesyoucourage. LaoTzu Toliveistosuffer,tosurviveistofindsomemeaninginthesuffering. FriedrichNietzsche Dothedifficultthingswhiletheyareeasyanddothegreatthingswhiletheyaresmall.Ajourneyofathousandmilesmustbeginwithasinglestep. LaoTzu Ifyoufelldownyesterday,standuptoday. H.G.Wells Qualityisnotanact,itisahabit. Aristotle Thebestargumentagainstdemocracyisafive-minuteconversationwiththeaveragevoter. WinstonChurchill Successisthesumofsmallefforts-repeateddayinanddayout. RobertCollier Thepriceofsuccessishardwork,dedicationtothejobathand,andthedeterminationthatwhetherwewinorlose,wehaveappliedthebestofourselvestothetaskathand. VinceLombardi Dowhatyoucan,withwhatyouhave,whereyouare. TheodoreRoosevelt CoincidenceisGod'swayofremaininganonymous. AlbertEinstein Wheneveryoufindyourselfonthesideofthemajority,itistimetopauseandreflect. MarkTwain
- 1Kobe Bryant - If you're afraid to fail, then you're... - Brainy Quote
Kobe Bryant Quotes ... If you're afraid to fail, then you're probably going to fail. Kobe Bryant ...
- 2Quote by Kobe Bryant: “If you're afraid to fail, then ... - Goodreads
“If you're afraid to fail, then you're probably going to fail. Pain doesn't telle you when you ou...
- 3'If you're afraid to fail, then you're probably going to fail'... 20 ...
'If you're afraid to fail, then you're probably going to fail'… 20 inspirational quotes from Kobe...
- 4If you're afraid to fail then you're probably going to fail.: Lined ...
If you're afraid to fail then you're probably going to fail.: Lined Notebook [Quotes, More] on Am...
- 5“If you're afraid to fail, then you're probably going to fail.” -Kobe ...
And then I came across a post with a quote by Mr. Bryant that said: “If you're afraid to fail, th...