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post. [pəust]. n.職位, 郵件, 標竿 v.郵遞, 通知, 佈置, 派遣, 急行 adv.快速地. 例句與用法:. He asked them to keep him posted about the sales of his book. post-主題 英文995 多益單字 多益單字p post[動詞]郵寄;登入(分類帳等);發表;[名詞]郵件;柱;樁;崗位;站;交易所 [pəust] 音源引用Dr.eye譯典通 短網址: 複製網址 FB分享 Line分享 Google分享 推特分享 新浪分享 post[pəust]n.職位,郵件,標竿 v.郵遞,通知,佈置,派遣,急行 adv.快速地例句與用法:Heaskedthemtokeephim posted aboutthesalesofhisbook.他要求他們把他著作的銷售情況隨時告訴他。

Thenamesofthemembersoftheteamwillbe posted uptoday.隊員名單將於今天公佈。

Hasthemorning post arrived?早晨的郵件來了嗎?詞形變化:動詞過去式: posted | 動詞過去分詞: posted | 動詞現在分詞: posting | 動詞第三人稱單數: posts |英文解釋:名詞post:thepositionwheresomeone(asaguardorsentry)standsorisassignedtostand同義詞:stationmilitaryinstallationatwhichabodyoftroopsisstationed同義詞:militarypostajobinanorganization同義詞:position, berth, office, spot, billet, place, situationanuprightconsistingofapieceoftimberormetalfixedfirmlyinanuprightpositionUnitedStatesaviatorwhoin1933madethefirstsoloflightaroundtheworld(1899-1935)同義詞:WileyPostUnitedStatesfemaleauthorwhowroteabookandasyndicatednewspapercolumnonetiquette(1872-1960)同義詞:EmilyPost, EmilyPricePostUnitedStatesmanufacturerofbreakfastcerealsandPostum(1854-1914)同義詞:C.W.Post, CharlesWilliamPostanyparticularcollectionoflettersorpackagesthatisdelivered同義詞:mailapoleorstakesetuptomarksomething(asthestartorendofaracetrack)同義詞:stakethesystemwherebymessagesaretransmittedviathepostoffice同義詞:mail, mailservice, postalservicethedeliveryandcollectionoflettersandpackages動詞post:affixinapublicplaceorforpublicnoticepublicizewith,orasifwith,aposterassigntoapost;putintoapostassigntoastation同義詞:station, base, send, placedisplay,asofrecordsinsportsgamesenteronapubliclisttransfer(entries)fromoneaccountbooktoanother同義詞:carryrideWesternstyleandbobupanddowninthesaddleinrhythmwithahorse'strottinggaitmarkwithastake同義詞:stakeputup同義詞:putupcausetobedirectedortransmittedtoanotherplace同義詞:mail, sendmarkorexposeasinfamous同義詞:brand同義詞position | situation | job | stake | station | send | mail | pole | column | upright | putup | marker | placement | dispatch | forward | display | announce | advertise | publish | office | list | duty | notify | inform | schedule | place | billet | brand | militarypost | carry | berth | spot | postalservice | mailservice |反義詞ante- |以上來源於大辭典 post postpost 英文熱門瀏覽( 動詞 , 名詞 ) increase 29332 ( 名詞 ) villain 22948 ( 動詞 , 名詞 , 形容詞 ) major 21197 ( 形容詞 ) attractive 14692 ( 名詞 ) threshold 12026 ( 名詞 ) accumulation 11623 ( 動詞 ) analyze 11324 ( 動詞 ) refer 9921 ( 動詞 , 名詞 ) guarantee 8489 ( 動詞 ) solve 7685 ( 形容詞 ) eager 7300 ( 動詞 ) utilize 7124 英文相關瀏覽( 形容詞 , 名詞 ) absurd 1748 ( 名詞 ) addition 1793 ( 名詞 ) advertising 907 ( 名詞 ) airline 827 ( 名詞 ) airmail 730 ( 名詞 ) ambassador 679 ( 動詞 , 名詞 ) answer 1042 ( 名詞 ) application 956 ( 名詞 ) arrow 1218 ( 動詞 ) ask 1189 ( 名詞 ) ass 1175 ( 動詞 ) assign 3082 英文單字en995 日期:2017-02-25
