You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk是什麼意思_You ...
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海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk的在線翻譯,You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk是什麼意思,You cannot sell ... Youcannotsellthecowanddrinkthemilk 英 美
- 1you cannot sell the cow and drink the milk — с английского на ...
См. также в других словарях: Milk — For other uses, see Milk (disambiguation). Foremilk and Hindm...
- 2You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk ‹ Post ‹ Proverb ...
You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk ... You cannot enjoy the milk and have at the same tim...
- 3常春藤英語- Hello, 各位親愛的朋友大家早安,今天和大家分享 ...
You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk. 魚與熊掌不可兼得。 解說: 1. You cannot sell the cow and drink th...
- 4You can not sell the cow and drink the milk @ 輕描淡寫:: 痞客邦::
You can not sell the cow and drink the milk ... 標題的中文意思是指:魚與熊掌不能兼得每個人欲望是無窮的我也看過:先別急著吃棉花糖每次一有小小積蓄就...
- 532. 西諺:You cannot sell the cow and drink..-阿摩線上測驗
西諺:You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk這句語的直譯是「你不能又要賣掉乳牛,又要喝牛奶。」這與下列何選項意思相同? (A)好,還要更好