Chords for Meek Mill - Sharing Locations (ft. Lil Baby & Lil Durk)
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Ebm F Gm Cm B Eb Bb Bbm C E] ➧ Chords for Meek Mill - Sharing Locations (ft. Lil Baby & Lil Durk) with song key, BPM, capo transposer, play along with ... ChordU homeHome restoreRecentlyViewed eventMyRequests personLogin albumWeeklyTop albumPopHotlist DiagramSlider ChordSheet layersEditlyrics O:OO EbmFGmCmBEbBbBbmCE DiagramSlider ChordSheet layersEditlyrics O:OO 3/4TimeSignature arrow_back 0SHIFT arrow_forward BPM doneclose Guitar Piano Ukulele Mandolin Simplified AdvanceChords editEdits thumb_up 0 thumb_down 0 format_line_spacing visibility layers_clear edit ChordSheet file_downloadDownloadaspdf music_notemidi EbmFGmCmBEbBbBbmCENEbmFGmCmBEbBbEbCmBEbBbGmCmBEbBbmEbCBEbBbEbBBbEbBEbBbmGmCBEbBbEbBEbBbGmCBEbBbGmCmEbEEbBbGmEbBEbBbEbBViewFullChordSheet Privatelock Publiclanguage clear TuneChords Transposeoffaddremove SaveTuningUseFlatsorSharps?b# SongKeyBbmSongBPM101.35 SlowerorFasterTempo?50%75%100%125% 3:38LilBaby,LilDurk-HowItFeels(OfficialVideo)RequestChords3:57DJKhaled-EVERYCHANCEIGET(OfficialMusicVideo)ft.LilBaby,LilDurkChords:GmGACAmDBbEbDmCmF3:47morray-quicksand(officialmusicvideo)Chords:CEmAmGA2:35YoungThug&Gunna-Ski[OfficialVideo]|YoungStonerLifeChords:AbAbmBEbDbGbBb 3:53DDG&OGParker-HoodMelodyft.YoungBoyNeverBrokeAgain(OfficialMusicVideo)Chords:DmFGmBbGDCEb4:11BankrollFreddieFeat.2Chainz&YoungScooter-DopeTalk(OfficialVideo)Chords:F#mDEF#GFDmD#mC#ABmA#BC4:37NLEChoppa-LetterToMyDaughter(OfficialVideo)Chords:DFmEbDbAbBbmCmFCBb3:16LilDurk-FinesseOutTheGangWayfeat.LilBaby(OfficialMusicVideo)Chords:C#ABC#mG#mF#E8:10SPOTEMGOTTEM,PoohShiesty-BeatBoxFeat.DaBaby,PoloG,NLEChoppa(OfficialMusicVideo)Chords:CFAbEbGmCmDBbDmGGbBEbmEmAEAbmAmBm3:49PoohShiesty-MondaytoSunday(feat.LilBaby&Big30)RequestChords ©2021ChordU ChordUforAndroid | ChordUforiOSAboutChordU | TermsOfUse | PrivacyPolicyFollowusonFacebookMadewithloveandpassionofmusicAllcontentsaresubjecttocopyright,providedforeducationalandpersonalnoncommercialuseonly. play_circle_outlineStartJamming... delete_forever Delete cancel Cancel cloud_done Save arrow_back arrow_forward Root N A Ab B Bb C D Db E Eb F G Gb Root N A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G# Type m min7 maj7 7 dim aug sus2 sus4 min6 maj6 hdim7 backspace playlist_add fast_rewind play_circle_filled fast_forward volume_up tuneTuneChords clear PleaseLoginforbetterexperiance clear ChordrequestsenttoChordUandwillbeavailableshortly. ViewMyRequests PlayChordswhenready!! Okay! clear ShareThisSong ShowtheworldwhatyouareplayingwithChordU clear ChooseEdits clear library_booksAddtoJamlistsettingsEdit library_addCreateNewJamlist SAVE clear SubscribetoChordUPremium GetaccesstoyourfullfeaturedChordUaccount.Upload&analysecomplexchordseasily.Learn&organizeeffectivelywithournewimprovedfeatures.Knowmore SubscribeNow clear Ok
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