那裡vs 哪裡-2021-05-13 | 星星公主
文章推薦指數: 80 %
那裡vs 哪裡相關資訊,哪儿vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? - Chinese Language Stack ...There's no difference in meaning. T...| 星星公主. 首頁那裡那裡vs哪裡 那裡vs哪裡那裡是哪裡那裡英文那裡日文那裡那裡那裡那裡意思哪裡注音那裡意思那裡vs哪裡2021-06-10文章推薦指數:80%投票人數:10人 哪儿vs.哪里,DifferenceinMeaning?-ChineseLanguageStack...There'snodiffere
- 1What is the difference between "哪里" and "那里" ? "哪里" vs ...
哪里(nǎ lǐ), 那里(nà lǐ) Synonym for 哪里哪means which or where 那means that or there so 哪里means where 爱在...
- 2那里和哪里的区别_百度知道
(1)“那里”, 1.表示“那个地方”,指距说话人较远处;指代某一特定的事物或处所,通常用于 ...
- 3When and how to use 哪and 那? What difference? - italki
For some examples: 1. 哪哪边? Which side? 她在哪边? Which side is she in? 她在左边. She's in the left side. ...
- 4「那裡」與「哪裡」的差異在那裡? - 王國良的部落格- udn部落格
- 5那裡vs 哪裡-2021-05-13 | 星星公主
那裡vs 哪裡相關資訊,哪儿vs. 哪里, Difference in Meaning? - Chinese Language Stack ...There's no difference in...