死板的英文怎么说_死板的英文_沪江英语 - 沪江网校
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死板的英文: rigid inflexible. 参考例句:. She's dreary little prude 她是个死板、假正经的女人! This teacher's classes are rigid and the ... 死板的英文怎么说 2012-07-0601:08 本文支持点词翻译Poweredby沪江小D 死板的英文:rigidinflexible参考例句:She'sdrearylittleprude她是个死板、假正经的女人!Thisteacher'sclasse
- 1如何用英語表達固守成規?Learn how to say 固守成規in English.
B: You cannot be too rigid. What if it's someone who needs your help? 相關詞守法守本分隨機應變同義詞死板英文翻譯r...
- 2死板英文_死板英语怎么说_翻译 - 查查在线词典
死板的英文翻译:[ sǐbǎn, sǐban ] rigid; inflexible; stif…,查阅死板英文怎么说,死板的英语读音例句用法和详细解释。
- 3「死板」英文怎麼說? - 每日頭條
rigid 嚴格的,死板的,固執的My father is very rigid in his thinking.我父親的思想非常死板。
- 4「死板」英文怎麼說? - 每日頭條
rigid 嚴格的,死板的,固執的My father is very rigid in his thinking.我父親的思想非常死板。
- 510大死板英文詞彙你仲用緊? | Wall Street English
職場英語:10大死板英文詞彙你仲用緊? · 1. Cause > Bring about 引起 · 2. Bother > Get on someone's nerves 使人心煩 · 3. D...