International TaeKwon-Do Association Korean Terminology
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Korean terms used in the Martial Arts. Links to History. Includes clickable waves to hear sounds and ... Naranee Choon Bee So Gee: Parallel Ready Stance KoreanTerminology by GrandMasterJamesS.Benko CommandTerms Salutations NamesandTitles SchoolsandStyles HandParts Stances KickingTechniques TypesOfTechniques BasicTerms Weapons NumbersAndCounting IfyouleftclickontheKoreanwordstotheleftofthe symbol,youwill heartheKoreanpronunciation. ITAHomePage | IHFHomePage | KMAFHomePage CommandTerms ChulSa LineUpChaRutt Attention KyungYet Bow AnJo SitDown MookYum Meditate ELaSutt StandUp ChoonBee ReadyPosition SayJak Begin ParRow ReturntoReadyPosition SheeYoe Rest GoMon Stop EeDeeWha ComeHere BaleeBalee Hurry KoYoHan Quiet DoeRha Turn DeeRowDoeRha Turn180Degrees PonTay Reverse TopofPage Salutations Nha Yes AhnNeeYoe No ConSaHomNeeDha ThankYouForTeachingUs MeeOnHomNeeDha IamSorry CoMopSimNeeDha ThankYou ChunMunAYoe YouAreWelcome YaBoeSayYo Hello "AhnYoungHaSimNeeKah" or "AhnYoungHaSayYo" Goodmorning,goodafternoon,goodevening,howareyou? Howdoyoudo?(Youmayusethesetwosalutationsat anytimeofthedayorasareplytothesamegreeting). AhnYoungHeeKaySayYo Stayinpeace AhnYoungHeeKahSayYo Goinpeace TopofPage NamesandTitles Dan Degree(BlackBelt) YuDanCha HolderOfDegree(BlackBelt)Rank Gup Grade(RankBelowBlackBelt) YuGupCha HolderOfGupRank Jeja Student Nim Termofrespect"honorable" SaBumNim Instructor KwanJungNim DirectorofaMartialArtsSchool,StyleorOrganization. KukSaNim GrandMaster(NationalMartialArtsTeacher) TopofPage SchoolsandStyles Dojang School("TrainingHall",also"SchoolwheretheWayistaught") Kwan School(Gymnasium) MooDo(also"MuDo") MartialArts("WayoftheMartialArts") MooSul(also"MuSool") MartialTechnique Chang-Hun BlueCottage TaeKwonDo Foot,Fist,WayOf TaeSooDo Foot,Hand,WayOf TangSooDo China,Hand,WayOf HapKiDo Harmony,InnerPower,WayOf KongSooDo EmptyHand,WayOf(Karate) ShimSooDo Mind,Hand,WayOf KoongShiDo Bow,Arrow,WayOf KoongDo Archery(Bow,WayOf) KoongSul ArcheryTechniques SadoMuDo Tribal(Village)MartialArts BuldoMuDo BuddhistMartialArts KoongJongMuDo RoyalPalaceMartialArts KwonBup FistMethod YuSool ThrowingTechniques SooBakGi HandStrikingTechniques SooBakDo HandStriking,WayOf OhDoKwan MyWay,SchoolOf MooDukKwan MartialVirtue,SchoolOf ChungDoKwan BlueWave,SchoolOf ShimDukKwan VirtuousMind,SchoolOf TopofPage HandParts Son(also,"Soo") Hand SonKal KnifeHand SonKalDung ReverseKnifeHand Kwon Fist(ToSmashOrDestroyWithFist) JuMok Fist ApJuMok Forefist DungJuMok BackFist YupJuMok SideFist(HammerFist) TerRiKee Strike Chirigee Punch PonTayChirigee ReversePunch Makee Block PalMokeMakee OuterForearmBlock AnPalMokeMakee InnerForearmBlock HukeYoPalMokeMakee RisingOuterForearmBlock TopofPage Stances SoGee Stance MoaSoGee CloseStance NaraneeSoGee ParallelStance NaraneeChoonBeeSoGee ParallelReadyStance GunnunSoGee WalkingStance ApSoGee FrontStance NiunjaSoGee L-Stance FooGulSoGee BackStance DwitBalSoGee RearFootStance KeeMaSoGee SittingStance SanunSoGee DiagonalStance NachuoSoGee LowStance KyochaSoGee X-Stance KoChungSoGee FixedStance SooJikSoGee VerticalStance WaebalSoGee One-LegStance GuburyoSoGee BendingStance TopofPage KickingTechniques ChaGee Kick ApChaGee FrontKick YupChaGee SideKick TollyoChaGee TurningKick PonTayTollyoChaGee ReverseTurningKick BandalChaGee CrescentKick DweeChaGee BackKick NaeryoChaGee DownwardKick GolchoChaGee HookingKick BitroChaGee TwistingKick TopofPage TypesOfTechniques Sul(also"Sool") Technique KwanJyelSul JointManipulationTechnique HyelDoSul VitalPointTechniques KiBonSul BasicTechniques TooSul ThrowingTechniques NakSul FallingTechniques ChilSikSul ChokingTechniques ShimGongSul MindTrainingTechniques HoShinSul Self-DefenseTechniques Sin-Chong(also"Sin-Ch'ong) Application SulSin-Chong TechniqueApplication DareEeOn Sparring IlboDareEeOn One-StepSparring EeboDareEeOn Two-StepSparring SamboDareEeOn Three-StepSparring ChaUDareEeOn FreeSparring PangWi(alsoPangWee) DefenseAgainst TongHyel PressurePointWhichInducesPain MaHyel PressurePointWhichInducesParalysis SaHyel LethalPressurePoints TopofPage BasicTerms DoeBoke Uniform Dhee Belt KukKi NationalFlag WonKi AssociationFlag HaDon LowSection ChoongDon MiddleSection SonDon HighSection Hyung Pattern(Form) Poomse(also"PoomSay") Pattern(Form) Tul Pattern(Form) Sahn Twin Hwa Blossom;Flower Rang Youth;YoungGentleman YokSa History YoungU KoreanTerminology ChulHak Philosophy Yu FlowingWater(Theory) Won Circle(Theory) Wha Harmony,Togetherness(Theory) TopofPage Weapons MuKi(also"MuKee") Weapons JiPangE(also"JeePangE") Cane TahnBong ShortStick JungBong MiddleStaff JangBong LongStaff Kal Knife TanDo Dagger Gum(Kum) Sword EeChulBong Two-SectionStick(Nunchaku) TahnDoLiGa ShortFlail(Nunchaku) Nat Sickle Cha-Ru Handle(Tonfa) Chang Spear BooChai Fan PhoBak Rope TopofPage NumbersAndCounting 1 Hana 1st Il 2 Dool 2nd Ee 3 Set 3rd Sam 4 Net 4th Sa 5 Dasut 5th Oh 6 Yasut 6th Yook 7 Eelgop 7th Chil 8 Yuhdul 8th Pal 9 Ahhap 9th Koo 10 Yul 10th Ship ITAHomePage IHFHomePage KMAFHomePage TopofPage Copyright©1974- JamesS.BenkoandITAInstitute. Allrightsreserved.
- 1How do you say, `ready stance` in Korean? -
How do you say, `ready stance` in Korean? ? (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) Created by te...
- 2International TaeKwon-Do Association Korean Terminology
Korean terms used in the Martial Arts. Links to History. Includes clickable waves to hear sounds ...
- 3Taekwondo - Ready Stance - Black Belt Wiki
This page provides details about the Taekwondo Ready Stance. In Korean, the ready stance is known...
- 4Korean Terminology - Northants Taekwondo
Inward, Anaero, Ready, Junbi. Outward, Bakaero, Start, Sijak. Pattern, Tul, Stop, Gomman. Self De...
- 5Taekwondo stances - Wikipedia
Basic stances[edit] · Cat stance · Tiger stance · Bum Seogi (Korean for Tiger stance) · Forward S...