How to block Google Analytics in Chrome - Quora
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If you want to block activity for the websites your own you can use: - filters in Google Analytings admin settings; - Chrome extensions. If you want to block the ... Somethingwentwrong.Waitamomentandtryagain.Tryagain
- 1How to block Google Analytics in Chrome - Quora
If you want to block activity for the websites your own you can use: - filters in Google Analytin...
- 2Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on Download Page
If you want to opt-out, download and install the add-on for your web browser. The Google Analytic...
- 3廣告已新增Block Yourself from Analytics 153
Minimum Requirements Requires at least Chrome v63 :: How to use? Open extension settings, go to w...
- 4Google Analytics (分析) 不透露資訊瀏覽器外掛程式
您如果不想透露資訊,請下載這個外掛程式並安裝在網路瀏覽器中。Google Analytics (分析) 不透露資訊外掛程式可與Chrome、Safari、Firefox 及Microsoft E...
- 5Block Yourself from Analytics - Microsoft Edge Addons
Block your Google Analytics™ activity for the websites you own, no more false stats. ... Extensio...