竹(Kanji for bamboo) | KANJIDAMAGE

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竹resembles two axes (斤) together. . . .but you can tell them apart because bamboo is pronounced ta-KE. And the bamboo kanji is the same as the katakana KE ... KANJIDAMAGE Intro Kanjifacts Howto Tags Kanji Radicals Appendix Onyomi Illpairs Dupes Articles Longshortvowlels Synonyms Forum |       ←Previous Number 323 Next → 竹 bamboo 斤 (axe) ★★☆☆☆ 6strokes PNSOLOPK Onyomi Mnemonic 竹resemblestwoaxes(斤)together....butyoucantellthemapartbecausebambooispronouncedta-KE.AndthebambookanjiisthesameasthekatakanaKE:ヶ. Kunyomi たけ bamboo ★★★☆☆ Jukugo 竹の子(たけのこ) bambooshoot ★☆☆☆☆ 竹(bamboo)+子(child) =竹の子(bambooshoot) abambooshoot,alsoafamousharajukufashionshop UsedIn 答 等 節 筋 簡 策 箱 笑 第 符 築 範 御 算 管 筆 筒 籍
