Python codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE Examples -
文章推薦指數: 80 %
BOM_UTF16_LE): contents = contents[len(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE):] # TODO(2.2): Remove when 2.3 becomes floor. #contents = contents.decode('utf-16-le') contents ... SearchbyModule SearchbyWords SearchProjects MostPopular TopPythonAPIs PopularProjects Java Python JavaScript TypeScript C++ Scala Blog reportthisad Morefromcodecs .open() .lookup() .getwriter() .getreader() .BOM_UTF16_BE .BOM_UTF16_LE .BOM_UTF8 .utf_8_decode() .utf_16_be_decode() .getencoder() .utf_16_le_decode() .BOM_UTF32_BE .BOM_UTF32_LE .StreamReader() .register_error() .register() .getdecoder() .StreamWriter() .getincrementalencoder() .latin_1_decode() reportthisad RelatedMethods sys.argv() sys.stderr() re.compile() os.environ() sys.stdout() time.time() re.sub() time.sleep() re.match() logging.getLogger() sys.modules() sys.exc_info() logging.DEBUG datetime.timedelta() sys.version_info() re.IGNORECASE copy.copy() hashlib.md5() codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE codecs.BOM_UTF8 RelatedModules os sys re time logging datetime random os.path math subprocess shutil json collections argparse setuptools Pythoncodecs.BOM_UTF16_LE Examples Thefollowingare30 codeexamplesofcodecs.BOM_UTF16_LE(). Youcanvoteuptheonesyoulikeorvotedowntheonesyoudon'tlike, andgototheoriginalprojectorsourcefilebyfollowingthelinksaboveeachexample. Youmayalsowanttocheckoutallavailablefunctions/classesofthemodule codecs ,ortrythesearchfunction . Example#1 SourceProject: razzy-spinner Author:rafasashi File: License: GNUGeneralPublicLicensev3.0 6 votes def_detect_encoding(self,fileid): ifisinstance(fileid,PathPointer): else: withopen(fileid,'rb')asinfile: s=infile.readline() ifs.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE): return'utf-16-be' ifs.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE): return'utf-16-le' ifs.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE): return'utf-32-be' ifs.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE): return'utf-32-le' ifs.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8): return'utf-8' m=re.match(br'\s*
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