2016第89屆奧斯卡最佳影片 - IMDb

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@2016第89屆奧斯卡最佳影片 · 1. La La Land (2016) · 2. Arrival (II) (2016) · 3. Fences (2016) · 4. Hacksaw Ridge (2016) · 5. Hidden Figures (2016) · 6. Lion (2016). 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LaLaLand (2016) PG13 | 128min | Comedy,Drama,Music 8 0 Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Rate 5 Rate 6 Rate 7 Rate 8 Rate 9 Rate 10 Rate 0 Error:pleasetryagain. 94 Metascore WhilenavigatingtheircareersinLosAngeles,apianistandanactressfallinlovewhileattemptingtoreconciletheiraspirationsforthefuture. Director: DamienChazelle | Stars: RyanGosling, EmmaStone, RosemarieDeWitt, J.K.Simmons Votes: 570,445 |Gross: $151.10M 2. Arrival (II)(2016) PG13 | 116min | Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi 7.9 0 Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Rate 5 Rate 6 Rate 7 Rate 8 Rate 9 Rate 10 Rate 0 Error:pleasetryagain. 81 Metascore Alinguistworkswiththemilitarytocommunicatewithalienlifeformsaftertwelvemysteriousspacecraftappeararoundtheworld. Director: DenisVilleneuve | Stars: AmyAdams, JeremyRenner, ForestWhitaker, MichaelStuhlbarg Votes: 675,415 |Gross: $100.55M 3. Fences (2016) PG13 | 139min | Drama 7.2 0 Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Rate 5 Rate 6 Rate 7 Rate 8 Rate 9 Rate 10 Rate 0 Error:pleasetryagain. 79 Metascore Aworking-classAfrican-Americanfathertriestoraisehisfamilyinthe1950s,whilecomingtotermswiththeeventsofhislife. Director: DenzelWashington | Stars: DenzelWashington, ViolaDavis, StephenMcKinleyHenderson, JovanAdepo Votes: 107,134 |Gross: $57.64M 4. HacksawRidge (2016) M18 | 139min | Biography,Drama,History 8.1 0 Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Rate 5 Rate 6 Rate 7 Rate 8 Rate 9 Rate 10 Rate 0 Error:pleasetryagain. 71 Metascore WorldWarIIAmericanArmyMedicDesmondT.Doss,whoservedduringtheBattleofOkinawa,refusestokillpeopleandbecomesthefirstmaninAmericanhistorytoreceivetheMedalofHonorwithoutfiringashot. Director: MelGibson | Stars: AndrewGarfield, SamWorthington, LukeBracey, TeresaPalmer Votes: 508,245 |Gross: $67.21M 5. HiddenFigures (2016) PG | 127min | Biography,Drama,History 7.8 0 Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Rate 5 Rate 6 Rate 7 Rate 8 Rate 9 Rate 10 Rate 0 Error:pleasetryagain. 74 Metascore ThestoryofateamoffemaleAfrican-AmericanmathematicianswhoservedavitalroleinNASAduringtheearlyyearsoftheU.S.spaceprogram. Director: TheodoreMelfi | Stars: TarajiP.Henson, OctaviaSpencer, JanelleMonáe, KevinCostner Votes: 224,827 |Gross: $169.61M 6. Lion (2016) PG | 118min | Biography,Drama 8 0 Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Rate 5 Rate 6 Rate 7 Rate 8 Rate 9 Rate 10 Rate 0 Error:pleasetryagain. 69 Metascore Afive-year-oldIndianboyisadoptedbyanAustraliancoupleaftergettinglosthundredsofkilometersfromhome.25yearslater,hesetsouttofindhislostfamily. Director: GarthDavis | Stars: DevPatel, NicoleKidman, RooneyMara, SunnyPawar Votes: 233,687 |Gross: $51.74M 7. HellorHighWater (II)(2016) M18 | 102min | Crime,Drama,Thriller 7.6 0 Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Rate 5 Rate 6 Rate 7 Rate 8 Rate 9 Rate 10 Rate 0 Error:pleasetryagain. 88 Metascore Adivorcedfatherandhisex-conolderbrotherresorttoadesperateschemeinordertosavetheirfamily'sranchinWestTexas. Director: DavidMackenzie | Stars: ChrisPine, BenFoster, JeffBridges, GilBirmingham Votes: 227,267 |Gross: $26.86M 8. ManchesterbytheSea (2016) NC16 | 137min | Drama 7.8 0 Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Rate 5 Rate 6 Rate 7 Rate 8 Rate 9 Rate 10 Rate 0 Error:pleasetryagain. 96 Metascore Adepresseduncleisaskedtotakecareofhisteenagenephewaftertheboy'sfatherdies. Director: KennethLonergan | Stars: CaseyAffleck, MichelleWilliams, KyleChandler, LucasHedges Votes: 276,219 |Gross: $47.70M 9. Moonlight (I)(2016) M18 | 111min | Drama 7.4 0 Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Rate 5 Rate 6 Rate 7 Rate 8 Rate 9 Rate 10 Rate 0 Error:pleasetryagain. 99 Metascore AyoungAfrican-Americanmangrappleswithhisidentityandsexualitywhileexperiencingtheeverydaystrugglesofchildhood,adolescence,andburgeoningadulthood. Director: BarryJenkins | Stars: MahershalaAli, NaomieHarris, TrevanteRhodes, AlexR.Hibbert Votes: 302,685 |Gross: $27.85M createanewlist Listyourmovie,TV&celebritypicks. ListActivity Views: 3 |inlastweek0 TellYourFriends Sharethislist: Feedback? Telluswhatyouthinkaboutthisfeature. OtherListsbypwj0821 #1988 alistof9titles   ㄐ alistof108titles   職場 alistof7titles   同伴 alistof106titles   已看 alistof1799titles   Seealllistsbypwj0821»  
