Chinese Wordnet - 中文詞彙網路
文章推薦指數: 80 %
This partially-open version contains data updated to 2008 but the examples are excluded. • CWN DataBase. • Python module for CWN. • CWN Reader with NLTK. ChineseWordnet 關於(ABOUT) 文件手冊(DOCS) 下載(DOWNLOADS) 查詢(QUERY) 使用授權(LICENCE) 詞彙統計(STATS) 下載(DOWNLOADS) •CWNLMF-encodedfile:LMF-encodedcwnfilewhichwasoriginallyprovidedforSemEval2010. Thispartially-openversioncontainsdataupdatedto2008butthe examplesareexcluded. •CWNDataBase •PythonmoduleforCWN •CWNReaderwithNLTK •雙語詞網自動翻譯 •基本詞彙 •知識本體對應資料 •中文領域詞網 •詞彙語意關係自動抽取程式 •詞意標記訓練資料 相關連結(RELATEDLINKS) LOPE@NTU EnglishWordNet GlobalWordNetAssociation 登入(LOGIN) 透過CWIKIN協力編輯CWN的內容: (HelpeditthecontentsofCWNviaCWIKIN:) LOPELab©2011-2014AllRightsReserved.
- 1PyCWN: A python module for chinese wordnet - NTU Scholars
標題: PyCWN: A python module for chinese wordnet. 作者: Wu, Y.-C. Hsieh, S.-K. SHU-KAI HSIEH. 公開日期: 2...
- 2PyCWN: a Python Module for Chinese Wordnet - Semantic ...
This presentation introduces a Python module (PyCWN) for accessing and processing Chinese lexical...
- 3Chinese Wordnet - 中文詞彙網路
This partially-open version contains data updated to 2008 but the examples are excluded. • CWN Da...
- 4PyCWN: a Python Module for Chinese Wordnet - ACL Anthology
This presentation introduces a Python module (PyCWN) for accessing and processing. Chinese lexica...
- 5PyCWN: a Python Module for Chinese Wordnet
1 Introduction · 2 Python Modules for WordNet Processing · 3 PyCWN: Python Modules for Chinese Le...