Cost Performance Index CPI - Valor Ganado
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The Cost Performance Index (CPI) is defined as the ratio of Earned Value (EV) to the Actual Cost (AC). The value is greater than one if the budgeted cost of ... WhatsApp Home Contents EarnedValueManagement CostPerformanceIndexCPI TheCostPerformanceIndex(CPI)isdefinedastheratioofEarnedValue(EV)totheActualCost(AC).Thevalueisgreaterthanoneifthebudgetedcostoftheworkperformedisgreaterthantheactualcostoftheworkperformed.Inotherwords, CPIisgreaterthanonewhetheraprojectisunderthebudget. `CPI={EV}/{AC}` TheCPIisusefulasameasureofthepastperformanceoftheprojectinthecostdimension.ItcanbeusedtoforecasttheEstimateAtCompletion(EAC)usingtheBudgetAtCompletion(BAC),asthefollowingformulashows. `EAC={BAC}/{CPI}` Youmayalsobeinterestedin... Prestashop®Deployment&... Quickview E-commerceAppsDevelopment Quickview Allproducts
- 1Understanding the Cost Performance Index (CPI) on Your ...
Cost performance index (CPI) also known as earned vs. burned, measures the financial effectivenes...
- 2Cost performance index (CPI) - Designing Buildings Wiki
- 3Cost Performance Index (Earned Value Analysis)
The Cost Performance Index, usually abbreviated as CPI, is one of the fundamental outputs of the ...
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你倒是可以用以下的片語表達:good value(for the money)「價錢很划算的」,或是bang for the buck,buck 是一美元的俗稱,所以a buck 是指一美元,整...