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遵守規矩 的英文怎麼說. 遵守規矩英文. walk the chalks. 遵: 動詞(依照) follow; obey; abide by; 守: Ⅰ動詞1 (防守; 看守) guard; defend 2 (守候; 看護) keep ... 英文→中文 中文→英文> 字典 漢英字典 遵守規矩的英文 遵守規矩 的英文怎麼說 遵守規矩 英文 walkthechalks 遵:動詞(依照)follow;obey;abideby
- 1遵守規則英文 - 查查綫上翻譯
遵守規則英文翻譯: observe a rule…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋遵守規則英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯遵守規則,遵守規則的英語例句用法和解釋。
- 2[比較] comply with / conform to + rules 遵守規則... - eru 的英文 ...
comply (v.) = execute = implement • comply with + the rule 遵守規則= conform to= abide by= follow.
- 3「遵守規則」的英文怎麼說? - 中英物語ChToEn 知道
遵守規則的英文例句. He always obeys the rules of the game. That's why other kids like to play games with h...
- 4遵守英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
Everyone should follow the traffic rules. 每個人都應該遵守交通規則。 If you do not comply with the regulations...
- 5[比較] comply with / conform to + rules 遵守規則& break ...
comply (v.) = execute = implement • comply with + the rule 遵守規則= conform to= abide by= follow. .....