"不甘心“ in English? - Chinese Language Stack Exchange
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ChineseLanguageStackExchangeisaquestionandanswersiteforstudents,teachers,andlinguistswantingtodiscussthefinerpointsoftheChineselanguage.Itonlytakesaminutetosignup. Signuptojointhiscommunity Anybodycanaskaquestion Anybodycananswer
- 1italki - 不甘心和纠结的英文怎么说?
我在网上找到这个句子:我输了,但我很不甘心,想和他在比一次。 这句话可以翻译成I lost, but I am reluctant to accept it - I want a rematch...
- 2不甘心的英文 - 海词
例句. 但是瑞士人並不甘心接受被征服的命運。 But the Swiss did not take their fate lying down. 我 ...
- 3「不甘心」的英文怎麼說? - 中英物語ChToEn 知道
不甘心的英文例句. I know we lost the tournament, but I still cannot let it go. My stock has dropped over ...
- 4"不甘心" 英文翻譯 - 查查在線詞典
不甘心英文翻譯:[ bùgānxīn ] not reconciled to; not resi…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋不甘心英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯不甘心,不甘心的英語例句用法和 ...
- 5"不甘心“ in English? - Chinese Language Stack Exchange
How about "not resigned to" or "not happy to" for 不甘心?