YouTube Definition - TechTerms
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Home:InternetTerms:YouTubeDefinition YouTube YouTubeisavideosharingservicethatallowsuserstowatchvideospostedbyotherusersanduploadvideosoftheirown.Theservicewasstartedasanindependentwebsitein2005andwasacquiredbyGooglein2006.VideosthathavebeenuploadedtoYouTubemayappearonthe
- 1What does the CO in the YouTube logo mean? - Quora
It's display the country code. Like if you are in India it will show you IN. Why it's shows these...
- 2What is the meaning of this two letter code in the YouTube ... you'll be redirected to with the ...
- 3Why does my Youtube logo have an 'AU' on top of it? : youtube
What a simple solution! I did not think about looking for that option. I couldn't find United Sta...
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Did you noticed something different on YouTube when you opened it up today? As of 1 February, the...
- 5YouTube Definition - TechTerms
While this has created an abundant collection of entertaining videos, it also means that people s...