Translation of 三头六臂to English with examples of 三头六臂 ...
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English definition and translation from Chinese of: 三头六臂with examples on how to use, sound, pronunciation, stroke order animations for each character and ... × Messagetotrainchinese Pleaseselectthereasonforyourcontactingus Suggestimprovementor
- 1【三头六臂】意思解释和用法(用作成语),规范读音及相关词组 ...
三头六臂(sān tóu liù bì) 粤语拼音. 1、(成语)三个脑袋,六条胳臂。比喻神通广大,本领出众。“三头六臂”在句中通常用作谓语、宾语、定语;指神通广大。
- 2三頭六臂英文_三頭六臂英文怎麼說 - 查查綫上翻譯
=[三頭八臂](2)흉악하고기괴한모습. 三頭六臂的俄語:[sāntóu liùbì] обр. мастер на все руки; семи пядей во лбу; 三頭六臂什麽意思:...
- 3Translation of 三头六臂to English with examples of 三头六臂 ...
English definition and translation from Chinese of: 三头六臂with examples on how to use, sound, pronu...
- 4三头六臂in English - What is the meaning of 三头六臂 ...
- 5三头六臂meaning - Chinese-English Dictionary - 汉英词典
三头六臂/三頭六臂[Pinyin] sān tóu liù bì [English meaning] lit. to have three heads and six arms (idiom)/...