The Five Pillars of Islam (article) - Khan Academy
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1. The Profession of Faith—The Shahada · 2. Daily Prayers—Salat · 3. Alms-Giving—Zakat · 4. Fasting during Ramadan—Saum · 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca—Hajj. Ifyou'reseeingthismessage,itmeanswe'rehavingtroubleloadingexternalresourcesonourwebsite. Ifyou'rebehindawebfilter,pleasemakesurethatthedomains*.kastatic.organd*.kasandbox.orgareunblocked. CoursesSearchDonateLoginSignupSearchforcourses,skills,andvideosMaincontentArtsandhumanitiesAP®︎/CollegeArtHistoryIntroductiontoculturesandreligionsforthestudyofAPArtHistoryIslamIslamIntroductiontoIslamTheFivePillarsofIslamThisisthecurrentlyselecteditem.HajjTheKaabaIntroductiontomosquearchitectureArtsandhumanities·AP®︎/CollegeArtHistory·IntroductiontoculturesandreligionsforthestudyofAPArtHistory·IslamTheFivePillarsof IslamGoogleClassroomFacebookTwitterEmailIslamIntroductiontoIslamTheFivePillarsofIslamThisisthecurrentlyselecteditem.HajjTheKaabaIntroductiontomosquearchitectureSortby:TopVotedIntroductiontoIslamHajjUpNextHajjAP®isaregisteredtrademarkoftheCollegeBoard,whichhasnotreviewedthisresource.
- 1The Five Pillars Of Islam - Embassy of Saudi Arabia
Hajj, the pilgrimage to Makkah, is the fifth pillar and the most significant manifestation of Isl...
- 2Five Pillars of Islam - BBC
The Five Pillars of Islam · Shahadah: sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of faith · Salat: ...
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The five pillars of Islam (Shahada, Salah, Sawm, Zakat and Hajj) are five key practices that a Mu...
- 4Pillars of Islam | Islamic Beliefs & Practices | Britannica
Pillars of Islam, the five religious acts that are considered obligatory for all Muslims: shahada...
- 5What are the Five Pillars of Islam? - Twinkl
What are the Five Pillars of Islam? ; Shahadah. Profession of Faith. ; Salat. Prayer. ; Zakat. Al...