so 和therefore 怎麼用?「因為...所以...」因果句寫法大公開!
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Skiptocontent Therefore怎麼用?是連接詞嗎? Because跟so竟然不能擺一起?! 看完本篇介紹,一秒搞懂英文因果句! TableofContents 連接詞是什麼?Therefore怎麼用?So怎麼用?Thus(adv.)因此,所以Consequently(adv.)因此,所以Henc
- 1so 和therefore 怎麼用?「因為...所以...」因果句寫法大公開!
在以上的例句中,so 連接了前後兩個子句,形成一個完整句。 *So 和because 不能放在同一個句子?! 要表達因果關係時,中文習慣會講「因為 ...
- 2therefore 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 - Cambridge ...
We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project. 我們無法籌到資金,因此不得不放棄計劃。 更多範例....
- 3therefore造句_用"therefore"造句- 查查造句網
用therefore造句和"therefore"的例句: 1. He was busy , therefore he could n't come .他忙得很,所以沒有來。 2. They ar...
- 4Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| therefore 例句 - 译典通
例句. therefore. He was down with the flu, and therefore couldn't come to the party. 他患了流行性感冒,因此未能前...
- 5"So" 和"Therefore" 的用法有何不同? - Learn With Kak
如果把例句(1)改成: (3) The museum was closed last Sunday, therefore, we went to the zoo. 上星期天博物館沒開門,因此,我...