What is GL? - Computer Hope
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1. Shorthand for good luck, GL is a term often used in text-based communications such as chat or in a game. Another popular variant of this ... SkiptoMainContent HomeDictionaryG-Definitions GL Updated:05/03/2022byComputerHope GLmayrefertoanyofthefollowing: 1.Shorthandforgoodluck,GLisatermoftenusedintext-basedcommunicationssuchaschatorinagame.AnotherpopularvariantofthisshorthandisGLHF,whichisshortforgoodluck,havefun. 2.Shortforgraphicslanguage,seetheOpenGLdefinitionforfurtherinformationandexamplesaboutgraphiclanguages. Chatterms,Gameterms,OpenGL Wasthispageuseful?YesNoFeedbackE-mailSharePrint
- 1GL Gaming Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
GL Gaming Abbreviation ; 1. GL. Graphic Layer. Play, Pastime, Game ; 1. GL. Graphic Left. Graphic...
- 2What does GL mean in Gaming? GL Definition - Acronym24.com
The meaning of GL is Great Leader and other meanings are located at the bottom which take place w...
- 3GL - What does GL stand for? - Slang.net
GL is an acronym that means "good luck", which is typically used online or in text messages. It i...
- 4老外经常写“GL”,那是什么意思?原来是“good luck”祝您好运
GL Meaning: What Does GL Mean? ... GL Meaning GL意义 ... Since the topic is on games, if you're pla...
- 5GL & HF - Urban Dictionary
GL & HF means good luck and have fun. It is nice to say this to people at the start of a game.