Falling Action of a Story: Definition & Examples - Video ...
文章推薦指數: 80 %
But the story isn't over yet. Now, the movie you've been watching for two hours, or the book you've spent your summer vacation reading, comes to ... forTeachers forSchools forWorkingScholars® forCollegeCredit
- 1Definition and Why Falling Action Doesn't Exist In Most Stories
Definition of Falling Action ... The falling action in a story winds the story down from the clim...
- 2Falling Action - Definition and Examples | LitCharts
- 3Falling Action Examples - SoftSchools
Stories have a plot, and a plot has five main parts: introduction, rising action, climax, falling...
- 4Falling Action - Examples and Definition of Falling Action
- 5繪本英閱會:圖像組織在英文閱讀理解上的應用(進階篇)-翻轉教育
故事圖(Story Map):故事圖具有多種呈現方式,常見的有劇情分析圖(Plot ... action)、高潮(Climax)、故事收尾(Falling action)和結局(Resolut...