Make Pop Art in Google Drawings - Applied Digital Skills
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Watch: Make Pop Art in Google Drawings - a video lesson from Applied Digital Skills that is free of charge. Youarecurrentlyusinganolderbrowser.Pleaseupdatetothelatestbrowsertoensurefeaturesandpagesworkproperly.Learnmore Activities Teachingmaterials Timetocomplete access_time 45-90minutes Digitaltools Drawings Videos expand_more expand_less 1.MakePopArtinGoogleDrawings check_circle play_circle_outline IntroductiontoMakePopArtinGoogleDrawings attachment check_circle play_circle_outline ChooseaPhotoforYourPopArt check_circle play_circle_outline OutlineShapesinYourPhoto check_circle play_circle_outline FillYourShapeswithColors check_circle play_circle_outline FinalizeYourPopArt check_circle play_circle_outline MakePopArtinGoogleDrawingsWrap-Up check_circle assessment Quiz check_circle extension Extensions
- 1Google 繪圖
由Google 開發. 支援Google 雲端硬碟. 可在離線狀態下執行. 繪製圖形及建立圖表. "輕鬆建立各式各樣的圖表,讓您的文件、簡報和網站看起來更引人入勝 ...
- 2Google Drawings the Complete Overview for Beginners
- 3Make Pop Art in Google Drawings - Applied Digital Skills
Watch: Make Pop Art in Google Drawings - a video lesson from Applied Digital Skills that is free ...
- 4Google Drawings tutorial for students - YouTube
- 5Google Drawings - Wikipedia
Google Drawings is available as a web application and as a desktop application on Google's Chrome...