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首頁»應用»生產應用»SwypeKeyboard SwypeKeyboardFree NuanceCommunications,Inc 安全認證 下載APK(33.0MB) 0.0 0評價 0評論 使用APKPure客戶端更快、免費、省流量!下載
- 1Swype keyboard has been discontinued - The Verge
The app responsible for popularizing swipeable virtual keyboards has been discontinued. Nuance en...
- 2Enabling Swype mode in Samsung keyboard settings ...
Enabling Swype mode in Samsung keyboard settings ... Swype™ is a text input method that allows yo...
- 3Swype - Wikipedia
Swype was a virtual keyboard for touchscreen smartphones and tablets originally developed by Swyp...
- 4Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard - Apps on Google Play
Microsoft SwiftKey is the intelligent keyboard that learns your writing style, so you can type fa...
- 5Swype Keyboard's Android and iOS Apps Discontinued | PCMag
Swype Keyboard's Android and iOS Apps Discontinued. The app once referred to as the 'grand-daddy ...