Niece - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms -
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If you are male, you are their nephew. Both niece and nephew come from the Latin word nepotem. One nice thing about the spelling of niece is that it adheres to ... SKIPTOCONTENT niece Yournieceisyoursiblings'sdaughter.It'sassimpleasthat. Yourparents'brothersandsistersareyourunclesandaunts.Ifyouarefemale,youaretheirniece.Ifyouaremale,youaretheirnephew.BothnieceandnephewcomefromtheLatinwordnepotem.Onenicethingaboutthespellingofnieceisthatitadherestothe"i"before"e"exceptafter"c"rule.Whew! Definitionsofniece noun adaughterofyourbrotherorsister seemoreseeless Antonyms: nephew asonofyourbrotherorsister types: grandniece,great-niece adaughterofyournieceornephew typeof: kinswoman afemalerelative WordFamily EDITOR’SCHOICE Testprepfromtheexperts’sexperts. Provenmethods:Learnfaster,rememberlongerwithourscientificapproach. Personalizedplan:Wecustomizeyourexperiencetomaximizeyourlearning. Strategicstudying:Focusonthewordsthataremostcrucialforsuccess. SAT/PSAT $29.95 Numberofwords:500+ Duration:8weeksorless Time:1hour / week Learnmore TOEFL $29.95 Numberofwords:500+ Duration:10weeksorless Time:1hour / week Learnmore ACT $29.95 Numberofwords:700+ Duration:10weeks Time:1hour / week Learnmore Signupnow(it’sfree!) Whetheryou’reateacheroralearner,Vocabulary.comcanputyouoryourclassonthepathtosystematicvocabularyimprovement. Getstarted ForEveryone PlaytheChallenge VocabularyLists Dictionary CommonlyConfusedWords JoinaVocabularyJam TestPrep WordoftheDay ForEducators Classroom&SiteLicense Pricing ContactSales SuccessStories TeachingResources ProfessionalDevelopment Research Help HelpArticles/FAQ How-toVideos Webinars ContactSupport PrivacyPolicy TermsofUse Leaderboards VocabularyBowl BowlLeaders Today'sLeaders WeeklyLeaders MonthlyLeaders Connect Vocabulary.comBlog News&Events Telluswhatyouthink OurStory OurMission Team/Jobs Partnerships MyAccount Login Signup MyAccount LogOut MyProfile Schools&Teachers MyClasses MySATRoadmap MyTOEFLRoadmap MyACTRoadmap Assignments&Activities MyLists FindaListtoLearn... CreateaNewList... MyProgress WordsI'mLearning MyTroubleWords WordsI'veMastered MyAchievements UserAdministration UserAuthentication MyAccount Copyright©,Inc.,adivisionofIXLLearning•AllRightsReserved.
- 1Niece and nephew - Wikipedia
In the lineal kinship system used in the English-speaking world, a niece or nephew is a child of ...
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Niece is your brother or sister's kid who is a girl (their daughter). Nephew is your brother or s...
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In the language of kinship, a niece is a daughter of a person's sibling, and the nephew is the so...
- 5Niece and nephew | Familypedia - Fandom
In the language of kinship, a nephew is a son of a person's sibling, and a niece is a daughter of...