週年慶買東西cp值才高啊。 CP值翻成英文是cost performance ...
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EZTalk #不瞎掰流行語CP值高?真的有這種英文說法嗎? ✍CP值高≠ high cost performance ratio = good value = bang for the buck Amy: Wow!
- 1週年慶買東西cp值才高啊。 CP值翻成英文是cost performance ...
EZTalk #不瞎掰流行語CP值高?真的有這種英文說法嗎? ✍CP值高≠ high cost performance ratio = good value = bang for the buc...
- 2cost performance ratio-CP值 - 經理人
CP 值直接翻成英文是cost performance ratio,但是這個詞其實是專業術語,不會用在日常生活中形容東西划算,千萬不要跟老外用這個詞來聊某東西很划算。
- 3Price–performance ratio - Wikipedia
In economics and engineering, the price–performance ratio refers to a product's ability to delive...
- 4Price/performance ratio - Academic Dictionaries and ...
A cost-performance ratio with a positive value (i.e. greater than 1) indicates that costs are run...
- 5cost performance ratio - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"cost performance ratio" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。