Accept an Invitation or Remove a Manager Account (MCC)
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Add or Remove Google AdWords / Ads MCC access to another party. 1) Click on the wrench-icon on the top menu on the right and 2) click on account access. ContactusYourname*—JohnSmithYoure-mailaddress*—[email protected]—0031-1234-5678Yourmessage Whereshouldwesenditto? AdWordsRobot Home Pricing Contact Blog Tools GoogleAds:AcceptanInvitationorRemoveaManagerAccount(MCC) AddorRemoveGoogleAdWords/AdsMCCaccesstoanotherparty 1)Clickonthewrench-icononthetopmenuontherightand2)clickonaccountaccess.... 3)ThenclickonManagersandyouwillseealistofpendingivitations. 4)Theninactioncolumnontherightaccepttheinvitationorremoveamanager. ©2022AdWordsRobotBV Language:Nederlands·English Terms&Privacy Contact Jobs Support Ourservices: GoogleShopping CustomerMatch DisplayRemarketing RLSA Remarketingforwebshops DynamicSearchAds DynamicRemarketing Long-tailcampaigins ShoppingCards
- 1Google Ads - 登入
繼續前往Google Ads. 電郵地址或電話號碼. 忘記電郵地址? Captcha 文字圖片用於區分真人和機械人. 輸入您聽到或看到的文字. 不是您的電腦?請使用訪客模式登入以免 ...
- 2Accept an Invitation or Remove a Manager Account (MCC)
Add or Remove Google AdWords / Ads MCC access to another party. 1) Click on the wrench-icon on th...
- 3輕鬆管理多個Google Ads 客戶帳戶
在單一資訊主頁上就能管理多個線上廣告帳戶。從Google 我的客戶中心(MCC) 轉變而來的「管理員帳戶」,讓您管理更省時。
- 4Recording multiple agency/MCC Google Ads accounts
MCC - A Google Ads manager account (MCC, formerly called My Clients Center) is a Google Ads tool ...
- 5Google Ads 管理員帳戶和智慧廣告活動
Google Ads 管理員帳戶是一項功能強大的工具,可用來管理多個Google Ads 或智慧廣告活動帳戶。只要使用管理員帳戶,您就能連結多個帳戶,以便在同一處.