DSN Global 100 Lists - Direct Selling News
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2021 Global 100 list of top direct selling companies in the world based on 2020 revenue. ... Rank, Company, Revenue 2020 ... 12, Atomy, $1.48B. 2021 2021Global100listoftopdirectsellingcompaniesintheworldbasedon2020revenue. TheDSNGlobal100listoffersauniqueperspectiveontheglobalimpactoftheindustryoneconomicandsocialrealms.Itprovidesarangeofmutuallearningnotonlyforindustrymembersbutalsoforresearchers,investorsand—mostimportant—thoseseekingopportunitieswithintheindustry. Thisyear’sDSNGlobal100listsacknowledges64companiesachievingmorethan$100millioninrevenuefor2020.ThepurposeoftheGlobal100listremainstoshowcasethetrueimpactofthischannelonpeople’slivesaswellastheeconomicimpactdirectsellingcompaniesmakeonthecommunitiestheyserve. Onourlistof64,atotalof18companiesgrewby$100Mormorebetween2019and2020.Nineofthetop10companiesareincludedinthatgroup. DSNthanksallthecompaniesthatwillinglyparticipatedintheGlobal100aswellasthededicatedteamofresearcherswhohelpedpresenttheremarkableachievementsofdirectsellersaroundtheglobe. Rank Company Revenue2020 1 Amway $8.5B 2 Natura&Co $7.16B 3 Herbalife $5.5B 4 Vorwerk $4.48B 5 COWAY $2.8B 6 NuSkin $2.5B 7 Primerica $2.2B 7 YoungLiving $2.2B 9 eXpRealty $1.8B 10 PM-International $1.71B 11 Tupperware $1.70B 12 Atomy $1.48B 13 Oriflame $1.38B 14 USANA $1.35B 15 AmbitEnergy $1.12B 16 TelecomPlus $1.09B 17 POLA $969M 18 Medifast/OPTAVIA $935M 19 Scentsy $893M 20 Beachbody $880M 20 Belcorp $880M 22 Arbonne $847M 23 MONATGlobal $804M 24 ColorStreet $597M 25 Omnilife $573M 26 Yanbal $536M 27 MIKI $515M 28 PlexusWorldwide $509M 29 NewAgeInc. $480M 30 Farmasi $447M 31 Faberlic $409M 32 NewImageInternational $403M 33 Nature’sSunshineProducts,Inc. $385M 34 Prüvit $363M 35 HyCiteEnterprises $341M 36 PureRomance $312M 36 VestigeMarketing $312M 38 Fordays $302M 38 Menard $302M 40 NewULife $272M 41 Pro-Partners $269M 42 Noevir $253M 43 NaturallyPlus $234M 44 LifeVantage $230M 45 Immunotec $220M 46 Giffarine $208M 47 BearCereju $196M 48 BestWorldLifestyle(BWL) $195M 48 PrincessHouse $195M 50 UsborneBooksandMore $192M 51 KKASSURAN $187M 52 ASEAGlobal $178M 53 Xyngular $171M 54 Mannatech $153M 55 MARUKO $148M 56 Charle $146M 57* Zinzino $135M 57 DIANA $134M 58 APLgo $125M 59 Youngevity $121M 60 NeffulInternational $117M 61 LimelifebyAlcone $113M 62 NARIS $111M 63 inCruises $107M 64 C’BonCosmetics $104M *Note:Zinzinowasomittedfromthelistinerror.WhilewearenotrenumberingthelistpresentedonApril19,2021,weareshowingZinzinoat#57. 2020 2020Global100listoftopdirectsellingcompaniesintheworldbasedon2019revenue. The DSN Global100listoffersauniqueperspectiveontheglobalimpactoftheindustryoneconomicandsocialrealms.Itprovidesarangeofmutuallearningnotonlyforindustrymembersbutalsoforresearchers,investorsand—mostimportant—thoseseekingopportunitieswithintheindustry. ANewTwistontheList The DSN Global100hadpreviouslylisted100companies,rangingfrom$60milliontoover$10billioninrevenue,eachyear.Thisyearthe2020listtookonanewlook,acknowledging50companiesachievingmorethan $100millioninrevenue for2019.ThepurposeoftheGlobal100listremainsthesame:toshowcasethetrueimpactofthischannelonpeople’slivesaswellastheeconomicimpactdirectsellingcompaniesmakeonthecommunitiestheyserve. DSN thanksallthecompaniesthatwillinglyparticipatedintheGlobal100aswellasthededicatedteamofresearcherswhohelpedpresenttheremarkableachievementsofdirectsellersaroundtheglobe. Afewinsightsfromthisyear’slist: 48%ofcompaniesgrewyear-over-yearfrom2018to2019 2ofthetop10companiesreportedincreasedrevenue Sixcompaniesgrewby$100millionfrom2018to2019 Companiesranking11-25,sevenreportedincreasedrevenue Companiesranking25-50,15reportedincreasedrevenue Rank Company Revenue2019 1 Amway $8.4B 2 HerbalifeNutrition $4.9B 3 AvonProductsInc. $4.76B 4 Vorwerk $4.23B 5 Natura $3.66B 6 Coway $2.59B 7 NuSkin $2.40B 8 Tupperware $1.80B 9 Oriflame $1.47B 10 AmbitEnergy $1.31B 11 Pola $1.24B 12 Belcorp $1.17B 13 PMInternational $1.11B 14 Jeunesse $1.1B 15 TelecomPlus $1.08B 16 USANA $1.06B 17 Yanbal $885M 18 Medifast/OPTAVIA $714M 19 Arbonne $672M 20 TeamNational $651M 21 MikiCorp. $505M 22 Scentsy $472M 23 PlexusWorldwide $467M 24 MONATGlobal $388M 25 Faberlic $385M 26 Nature’sSunshine $362M 27 WorldVentures $335M 28 ForDays $308M 29 HyCiteEnterprises $306M 30 VestigeMarketing $302M 31 Noevir $286M 32 Farmasi $250M 33 NewImageGroup $243M 34 NaturallyPlus $242M 35 ARIIX $230M 36 LifeVantage $226M 37 PureRomance $225M 38 ColorStreet $220M 38 Menard $220M 40 NonibyNewAgeBeverages $200M 41 Giffarine $198M 42 KKAssuran $193M 43 Immunotec $180M 44 ASEAGlobal $170M 44 MyDailyChoice/HempWorx $170M 46 Mannatech $158M 47 SouthwesternAdvantage $138M 48 Elepreneurs $135M 49 UsborneBooks&More $119M 50 Xyngular $108M 2019 2019Global100listoftopdirectsellingcompaniesintheworldbasedon2018revenue. The DSN Global100listoffersauniqueperspectiveontheglobalimpactoftheindustryoneconomicandsocialrealms.Itprovidesarangeofmutuallearningnotonlyforindustrymembersbutalsoforresearchers,investorsand—mostimportant—thoseseekingopportunitieswithintheindustry. Rank Company Revenue2018 1 Amway $8.80B 2 AvonProductsInc. $5.57B 3 Herbalife $4.90B 4 Infinitus $4.50B 5 Vorwerk $4.30B 6 Natura $3.67B 7 NuSkin $2.68B 8 Coway $2.5B 9 Tupperware $2.0B 10 YoungLiving $1.9B 11 OriflameCosmetics $1.55B 12 Rodan+Fields $1.5B 13 Jeunesse $1.46B 14 AmbitEnergy $1.3B 15 DXNMarketingSdnBhd $1.25B 16 Pola $1.24B 17 OBoticário $1.23B 18 USANAHealthSciences $1.19B 19 Belcorp $1.16B 20 Atomy $1.15B 21 TelecomPlus $1.09B 22 YanbalInternational $994M 23 MarketAmerica $837M 24 PMInternational $834M 25 Stream $800M 26 TeamNational $734.5M 27 AmorePacific $600M 28 ArbonneInternational $544M 29 Hinode $528M 30 Plexus $527M 31 OPTAVIA/Medifast,Inc. $501M 32 Miki $498M 33 Faberlic $463M 34 Scentsy $449M 35 MonatGlobal $435M 36 Younique $427M 37 ForDays $385M 38 WorldVentures $377M 39 Cosway $368M 40 Nature’sSunshine $365M 41 Prüvit $325M 41 Beautycounter $325M 43 4LifeResearch $324.9M 44 LGHousehold&Healthcare $304.5M 45 FamilyHeritageLife $294M 46 Vivint $290M 47 Noevir $277M 48 HyCiteEnterprises,LLC $275M 49 Pro-Partner $246M 50 PureRomance $237M 51 NaturallyPlus $236M 52 NewImageGroup $231M 53 proWINInternational $230.2M 54 Morinda $230M 55 Menard $226.5M 55 CUTCO/VectorMarketing $226M 57 ARIIX $220M 58 SEACRET $211.5M 59 SouthwesternAdvantage $209M 60 LifeVantage $203M 61 VidaDivina $197M 62 KKAssuran $195M 63 VestigeMarketing $194M 64 NHTGlobal $192M 65 Hillary’sBlinds $185M 66 GiffarineSkylineUnityCo. $181M 67 BearCere’Ju $180M 68 Mannatech $173.5M 69 Youngevity $162M 70 PrincessHouse $161M 71 Charle $159M 72 Diana $147M 73 Naris $137.5M 74 Maruko $130M 75 MarketingPersonal $125M 76 ImmunotecResearchLtd $120.5M 77 ASEA $120M 78 ColorStreet $119M 79 WorldGlobalNetwork $119M 80 UsbornBooks&More $118M 81 C’BONCosmetics $110M 82 Xyngular $109M 83 TruVisionHealth $106M 84 Zhulian $103M 85 Nefful $101M 86 MyDailyChoice/HempWorx $100M 87 PerfectlyPosh $100M 88 Energetix $94.5M 89 ZURVITA $94M 90 ArsoaHonsha $90.5M 91 BestWorldInt’lLtd $88M 92 Hai-O $87M 93 Koyo-sha $86M 94 Shinsei $79M 95 CaptainTortue $77M 96 Chandeal $72M 97 GrantEOne’s $68M 98 Nikken $67.5M 99 Zinzino $67M 100 PierothWein $60M 100 MedicalMarijuana/Kannaway $60M 2018 2018Global100listoftopdirectsellingcompaniesintheworldbasedon2017revenue. TheDSNGlobal100listoffersauniqueperspectiveontheglobalimpactoftheindustryoneconomicandsocialrealms.Itprovidesarangeofmutuallearningnotonlyforindustrymembersbutalsoforresearchers,investorsand—mostimportant—thoseseekingopportunitieswithintheindustry. Rank Company Revenue2017 1 Amway $8.60B 2 AvonProductsInc. $5.70B 3 Herbalife $4.40B 4 Vorwerk $4.19B 5 Infinitus $3.92B 6 MaryKay $3.25B 7 Natura $3.09B 8 Perfect $2.96B 9 NuSkin $2.28B 10 Tupperware $2.26B 11 Coway $2.05B 12 JoyMain $1.58B 13 OriflameCosmetics $1.537B 14 SUNHOPE $1.536B 15 YoungLiving $1.52B 16 Rodan+Fields $1.50B 17 NewEra $1.33B 18 Jeunesse $1.30B 19 Pola $1.22B 20 AmbitEnergy $1.15B 21 Belcorp $1.14B 22 DXNMarketingSdnBhd $1.10B 23 USANAHealthSciences $1.05B 24 Longrich $1.00B 25 TelecomPlus $979M 26 YanbalInternational $971M 27 Isagenix $958M 28 MarketAmerica $820M 29 Quanjian $786M 30 Yandi $740M 31 Stream $737M 32 JuicePlus $730M 33 TeamNational $719M 34 Yofoto $696M 35 AmorePacific $681M 36 PMInternational $632M 37 Hualin $577M 38 Faberlic $563M 39 Plexus $562M 40 ArbonneInternational $553M 41 Miki $535M 42 GoldenDays $518M 43 AdvoCare $472M 44 Scentsy $468M 45 Rolmex $459M 46 LegalShield $457M 47 Pro-Health $400M 48 ForDays $383M 49 Nature’sSunshine $342M 50 Resgreen $326M 51 4LifeResearch $316M 52 MonatGlobal $314M 53 Apollo $296M 54 LGHousehold&Healthcare $292M 55 FamilyHeritageLife $284M 56 OPTAVIA/Medifast,Inc. $257M 57 HyCiteEnterprises,LLC $253M 58 Alphay $252M 59 Noevir $250M 60 CUTCO/VectorMarketing $245M 61 BestWorldInt’lLtd $237M 62 Alpha $222M 62 AnRan $222M 64 Menard $221M 65 SouthwesternAdvantage $219M 66 PureRomance $218M 67 Prüvit $214M 68 Norland $207M 69 KKAssuran $205M 70 GreenLeaf $201M 71 NewImageGroup $200.815M 72 SEACRET $200.007M 73 LifeVantage $200.000M 74 NHTGlobal $198M 75 Merro $192M 76 GiffarineSkylineUnityCo. $179.0M 77 PrincessHouse $178.9M 78 ARIIX $178.0M 79 Cosway $177.9M 80 Kangli $177.6M 81 Mannatech $176.7M 82 BearCere’Ju $169M 83 WorldGlobalNetwork $165M 84 Charle $161M 85 VidaDivina $153M 86 MarketingPersonal $147M 87 Diana $144.5M 88 Ideality $143.6M 89 Youngevity $142M 90 FuxionBiotech $141M 91 Naris $138M 92 VestigeMarketing $127M 93 Jimon $118M 93 Tiens $118M 95 NaturallyPlus $111M 96 UsbornBooks&More $107M 97 KaslyJu $104M 98 ImmunotecResearchLtd $102M 99 Xyngular $100M 100 ZURVITA $94M 2017 2017Global100listoftopdirectsellingcompaniesintheworldbasedon2016revenue. TheDSNGlobal100listoffersauniqueperspectiveontheglobalimpactoftheindustryoneconomicandsocialrealms.Itprovidesarangeofmutuallearningnotonlyforindustrymembersbutalsoforresearchers,investorsand—mostimportant—thoseseekingopportunitieswithintheindustry. Rank Company Revenue2016 1 Amway $8.80B 2 Avon $5.70B 3 Herbalife $4.50B 4 Vorwerk $4.20B 5 MaryKay $3.50B 6 Infinitus $3.41B 7 Perfect $3.06B 8 Quanjian $2.89B 9 Natura $2.26B 10 Tupperware $2.210B 11 NuSkin $2.208B 12 Primerica $1.52B 13 JoyMain $1.49B 14 Jeunesse $1.41B 15 Oriflame $1.40B 16 AmbitEnergy ++ $1.20B 16 NewEra $1.16B 17 TelecomPlus $1.12B 18 Belcorp $1.09B 20 USANA $1.01B 21 Pola $1.004B 22 YoungLiving $1.00B 23 SUNHOPE $940M 24 DXN $927M 25 WorldVentures $926.6M 26 Isagenix $924.3M 27 Yanbal $924M 28 TeamBeachbody $863M 29 MarketAmerica $798M 30 ACN $750M 31 Stream $735M 32 Tiens/Tianshi $695M 33 ItWorks! $686M 34 TeamNational $659M 35 Yandi $644M 36 Miki $597M 37 AdvoCare $586M 38 Arbonne $541M 39 PlexusWorldwide $532M 40 Rolmex $515M 41 PMInternational $460M 42 Scentsy $456M 43 LegalShield $450M 44 Le-Vel $449M 45 Omnilife $375.93M 46 YOFOTO $375.92M 47 Fordays $365M 48 Faberlic $356M 49 KangTing $348M 50 Nature’sSunshine $341M 51 4LifeResearch $328M 52 AnRan $321M 53 NaturallyPlus $300M 54 NHTGlobal $288M 55 LRHealth&BeautySystemsGmbH $286M 56 Merro $283M 57 MenardCosmetics $267M 58 FamilyHeritageLife $265M 59 Viridian + $263M 60 Pro-Health $257M 61 Noevir $249M 62 HyCiteEnterprises $233M 63 Resgreen $232M 64 KKAssuran $229M 65 TakeShapeForLife $222.4M 66 CUTCO $222M 67 SouthwesternAdvantage $218M 68 LifeVantage $207M 69 Kangmei $206M 70 PureRomance $203M 71 AlphayInternational $200M 72 PrincessHouse $195M 73 Mannatech $180M 74 Charle $173M 75 BearCere’Ju $170M 76 Youngevity $163M 77 Seacret $161M 78 KasleyJu $154.4M 78 Longrich $154.4M 80 GiffarineSkylineUnity $154M 81 MarketingPersonal $153M 82 ARIIX $151M 83 WorldGlobalNetwork $146M 84 NarisCosmetics $144M 85 FuXionBiotech $135M 86 NewImageGroup $124M 87 Ideality $115M 88 GoldenSun $103M 89 Zurvita $100M 90 DianaCo. $98M 91 VestigeMarketing $97M 92 GlobalVenturesPartners $92.1M 93 Koyo-Sha $91.8M 94 TotalLifeChanges $88M 95 Immunotec $82.2M 96 Jimon $77M 97 Nefful $75M 98 CaptainTortue $71M 99 Shinsei $69.4M 100 VisionInternationalPeopleGroup $69M ++Note:Anearlierversionofthe2017Global100listcontainedanincorrectrevenuefigurefor Ambit.Thecompanyhascertifiedthatitsnetsaleswere$1.2billion,rankingitNo.16ontheGlobal100. +Note: AsofJuly2016, Viridian wasdivestedfromCriusEnergyandisnowaprivatelyheldentity.TheViridianInternationalManagementfigurerepresentsfull-yearsalesgeneratedbyViridian,inclusiveofsalesgeneratedwhileoperatingundertheCriusEnergyFamilyofBrands,andsalesgeneratedforallproductpartnerspost-transaction. 2016 2016Global100listoftopdirectsellingcompaniesintheworldbasedon2015revenue. TheDSNGlobal100listoffersauniqueperspectiveontheglobalimpactoftheindustryoneconomicandsocialrealms.Itprovidesarangeofmutuallearningnotonlyforindustrymembersbutalsoforresearchers,investorsand—mostimportant—thoseseekingopportunitieswithintheindustry. Rank Company Revenue2015 1 Amway $9.50B 2 Avon + $6.16B 3 Herbalife $4.47B 4 Vorwerk $4.00B 5 Infinitus $3.88B 6 MaryKay $3.70B 7 Perfect $3.58B 8 Natura $2.41B 9 Tupperware $2.28B 10 NuSkin $2.25B 11 Tiens $1.55B 12 Primerica $1.41B 13 AmbitEnergy $1.40B 14 Oriflame $1.35B 15 Belcorp $1.20B 16 TelecomPlus $1.17B 17 NewEra $1.16B 18 Jeunesse ++ $1.09B 19 NewAvon + $1.01B 20 YoungLiving $1.00B 21 USANA $918M 22 Isagenix $890M 23 Stream $866M 24 DXN $862M 25 Pola $823M 26 ACN $821M 27 MarketAmerica $791M 28 TeamBeachbody $780M 29 ItWorks! $748M 30 Yanbal $747M 31 AdvoCare $719M 32 WorldVentures $693M 33 Rodan+Fields $624M 34 Yandi $597M 35 Miki $578M 36 TeamNational $549M 37 Apollo $538M 38 Nerium $516M 38 Thirty-OneGifts $516M 40 Arbonne $502M 41 ForbesLuxGroup $501M 42 Rolmex $448M 43 Scentsy $429M 44 Omnilife $406M 45 YOFOTO $399M 46 Plexus $384M 47 PMInternational $350M 48 Le-Vel $349M 49 NaturallyPlus $339M 50 Merro $328M 51 ForDays $325M 51 Nature’sSunshine $325M 53 ViridianEnergy $324M 54 4LifeResearch $321M 55 KangTing $308M 56 LRHealth&Beauty $306M 57 Resgreen $299M 58 AnRan $296M 59 PartyLite $273M 60 NHTGlobal $265M 61 FamilyHeritageLife $254M 62 Pro-Health $251M 63 Southwestern $225M 64 Jamberry $224M 65 CUTCO $204M 66 TakeShapeForLife $202M 67 MenardCosmetics $198M 68 HyCite $195M 69 LifeVantage $190M 70 Noevir $189M 71 Mannatech $180M 72 ForYou $179M 73 NarisCosmetics $178M 74 PrincessHouse $170M 75 Longrich $167M 76 PureRomance $164M 77 WorldGlobalNetwork $157M 78 Youngevity $156M 79 Charle $154M 80 Giffarine $153M 81 Kangmei $151M 81 Seacret $151M 83 KasleyJu $149M 84 BearCere’Ju $145M 85 JRJRNetworks $140M 86 Diana $139M 87 AlphayInternational $135M 88 Zija $129M 88 Maruko $129M 90 FuXionBiotech $116M 91 ARIIX $112M 92 GoldenSun $108M 93 Loveast $105M 94 Ideality $104M 95 Jimon $90M 95 TenFuTenmax $90M 97 Koyo-Sha $83M 98 VisionInt’lPeopleGroup $81M 98 Zurvita $81M 100 TotalLifeChanges $77M +Attheendof2015,AvonProductssolditsNorthAmericanbusinesstoCerberusCapitalManagement.NewAvonisnowaprivatelyheldcompany.TherevenuefigureslistedherereflectAvonProducts’year-endfilingwiththeSEC. ++Jeunesse’s$1.09billioninnetsalesrevenueincludes$73.10millioninacquisitionrevenue. 2015 2015Global100listoftopdirectsellingcompaniesintheworldbasedon2014revenue. TheDSNGlobal100listoffersauniqueperspectiveontheglobalimpactoftheindustryoneconomicandsocialrealms.Itprovidesarangeofmutuallearningnotonlyforindustrymembersbutalsoforresearchers,investorsand—mostimportant—thoseseekingopportunitieswithintheindustry. Rank Company Revenue2014 1 Amway $10.80B 2 Avon $8.90B 3 Herbalife $5.00B 4 MaryKay $4.00B 5 Vorwerk $3.90B 6 Natura $3.20B 7 Infinitus $2.64B 8 Tupperware $2.60B 9 NuSkin $2.57B 10 JoyMain $2.00B 11 Oriflame $1.68B 12 AmbitEnergy $1.50B 13 Belcorp $1.40B 14 Primerica $1.34B 15 Tiens $1.16B 16 TelecomPlus $1.10B 17 NewEra $928M 18 StreamEnergy $918M 19 Miki $868M 20 Yanbal $856M 21 Shaklee $844M 22 ACN $827M 23 Pola $800M 24 USANA $790M 25 DXN $780M 26 Cosway $749M 27 Isagenix $725M 28 Thirty-OneGifts $643M 29 MarketAmerica $626M* 29 Noevir $582M 30 ForYou $560M 31 ItWorks! $538M 32 TeamBeachbody $518M 33 Rolmex $512M 34 ForbesLux $501M 35 AdvoCare $494M 36 Arbonne $486M 37 Apollo $448M 38 Jeunesse $419M 38 Scentsy $419M 40 Nerium $403M 41 Yofoto $400M 42 TeamNational $399M 44 Nature’sSunshine $366M 45 KKAssuran $362M 46 ForDays $360M 47 WorldVentures $352M 48 PartyLite $347M 49 4LifeResearch $332M 50 Rodan+Fields $330M 51 Viridian $328M 52 LGHousehold&Healthcare $321M 53 PM-International $313M 53 NaturallyPlus $313M 53 MenardCosmetics $313M 56 PlexusWorldwide $310M 57 LRHealth&Beauty $303M 58 Sunhope $288M 59 NarisCosmetics $282M 60 OrigamiOwl $250M 60 Charle $250M 62 FamilyHeritageLife $237M 63 Southwestern $235M 64 JapanLife $229M 65 Longrich $224M 66 Pro-Health $221M 67 LifeVantage $214M 67 OrganoGold $214M 69 TakeShapeForLife $206M 70 Maruko $205M 71 Diana $204M 72 Vemma $201M 73 Mannatech $190M 74 BearCere’Ju $185M 75 HyCite $178M 76 CUTCO $165M 77 PrincessHouse $161M 78 AnRan $160M 79 SEACRET $145M 79 Koyo-sha $145M 81 Youngevity $134M 82 NaturalHealthTrends $125M 83 ArsoaHonsha $118M 84 5LINX $109M 84 CVSL $109M 86 Kelti $102M 86 Akasuka $102M 88 Chandeal $89M 89 IonCosmetics $88M 90 GoldenSun $83M 91 TenFuTenmax $80M 92 VisionInt’lPeopleGroup $79M 93 NeffulInternational $75M 93 KaslyJu $75M 95 ARIIX $73M 95 NatureCare $73M 97 Immunotec $72M 98 ASEA $70M 99 Zurvita $69M 100 Kleeneze $63M *Anearlierversionofthe2015Global100listcontainedanincorrectrevenuefigurefor MarketAmerica.Thecompanyhascertifiedthatitsnetsaleswere$626million,rankingitNo.29ontheGlobal100. 2014 2014Global100listoftopdirectsellingcompaniesintheworldbasedon2013revenue. TheDSNGlobal100listoffersauniqueperspectiveontheglobalimpactoftheindustryoneconomicandsocialrealms.Itprovidesarangeofmutuallearningnotonlyforindustrymembersbutalsoforresearchers,investorsand—mostimportant—thoseseekingopportunitieswithintheindustry. Rank Company Revenue2013 1 Amway $11.80B 2 Avon $9.95B 3 Herbalife $4.80B 4 Vorwerk $3.70B 5 MaryKay $3.60B 6 Natura $3.20B 7 NuSkin $3.18B 8 Tupperware $2.67B 9 Belcorp $1.96B 10 Oriflame $1.95B 11 Primerica $1.27B 12 AmbitEnergy $1.20B 13 TelecomPlus $1.10B 14 StreamEnergy $867M 15 Yanbal $848M 16 Miki $783M 17 Thirty-One $763M 18 Blyth $750M 19 USANA $718M 20 ACN $700M 21 NewEra $678M 22 MarketAmerica $547M 23 AmorePacific $520M 24 ForbesLux $489M 25 Scentsy $485M 26 AdvoCare $460M 27 ItWorks!Global $456M 28 NoevirHoldings $455M 29 Isagenix $448M 30 COSWAY $440M 31 YoFoto $428M 32 Arbonne $413M 33 BetterWay $407M 34 Nature’sSunshine $378M 35 ForDays $376M 36 Apollo $340M 37 TeamNational $332M 37 KKASSURAN $332M 39 TeamBeachbody $328M 40 LRHealth&BeautySystems $323M 41 4Life $300M 42 Longrich $292M 43 PM-International $284M 44 Neways $280M 45 ViridianEnergy $267M 46 Jeunesse $257M 47 NorthAmericanPower $256M 48 MENARD $255M 49 SouthwesternAdvantage $253M 50 Elken $233M 50 OrigamiOwl $233M 52 TakeShapeForLife $229M 53 Vemma $221M 54 Nerium $219M 55 LGHousehold&HealthCare $215M 55 OrganoGold $215M 57 NarisCosmetics $214M 58 Charle $208M 58 LifeVantage $208M 60 Pro-Health $204M 61 CUTCO $200M 61 HEIM&HAUS $200M 63 NaturallyPlus $199M 64 Rodan+Fields $196M 65 WorldVentures $195M 66 FamilyHeritageLife $192M 67 JAPANLIFE $188M 68 HuisClos $184M 69 GNLD $178M 70 Mannatech $177M 71 Giffarine $176M 72 Enagic $170M 73 Diana $166M 73 BearCere’Ju $166M 75 HyCite $164M 76 Plexus $160M 77 PrincessHouse $154M 78 GanoExcel $150M 79 Zija $144M 80 KOYO-SHA $141M 81 ZhulianMarketing $127M 82 Univera $118M 83 Nikken $115M 84 5LINX $112M 85 VisionInternationalPeopleGroup $96M 85 ArsoaHonsha $96M 87 NewImage $95M 88 Nefful $94M 89 Youngevity $86M 90 Akasuka $83M 91 TastefullySimple $79M 92 Kleeneze $76M 93 ENERGETIX $75M 94 Chandeal $72M 95 Momentis $71M 95 Seacret $71M 97 IonCosmetics $70M 98 Reliv $68M 99 CVSL $65M 100 Zurvita $63M 2013 2013Global100listoftopdirectsellingcompaniesintheworldbasedon2012revenue. TheDSNGlobal100listoffersauniqueperspectiveontheglobalimpactoftheindustryoneconomicandsocialrealms.Itprovidesarangeofmutuallearningnotonlyforindustrymembersbutalsoforresearchers,investorsand—mostimportant—thoseseekingopportunitieswithintheindustry. Rank Company Revenue2012 1 Alticor(Amway) $11.3B 2 AvonProducts,Inc. $10.7B 3 HerbalifeLtd. $4.1B 4 VorwerkCo.KG $3.3B 5 NaturaCosmeticosSA $3.2B 6 MaryKayInc. $3.1B 7 TupperwareBrandsCorp. $2.6B 8 NuSkinEnterprises,Inc. $2.2B 9 OriflameCosmeticsSA $2.0B 10 BelcorpLtd. $1.9B 11 PrimericaFinancialServices,Inc. $1.2B 11 Pola $1.2B 13 MikiCorp. $1.1B 14 AmbitEnergy,L.P. $930M 15 TelecomPlus $892M 16 StreamEnergy(Ignite) $840M 17 YanbalInternational $815M 18 Thirty-OneGiftsLLC $718M 19 ShakleeCorp. $650M 20 USANAHealthSciencesInc. $649M 21 ViSalus(Blyth) $624M 22 ACN,Inc. $582M 23 Scentsy $560M 24 Hermes $550M 25 WIVWeinInternationalAG $539M 26 AmorePacific $520M 27 MarketAmericaInc. $505M 28 ThePamperedChefLtd. $500M 29 ForDaysCo.Ltd. $445M 30 Southwestern $427M 31 PartyLite(Blyth) $425M 32 KKASSURAN $378M 33 ArbonneInternationalLLC $377M 34 Nature’sSunshineProducts,Inc. $368M 35 LGHousehold&HealthCare $350M 36 IsagenixInternational $334M 37 Faberlic $330M 38 Neways,Inc. $326M 38 NoevirHoldingsCo.,Ltd. $326M 40 MenardJapanCosmetics $319M 41 EurekaForbesLtd. $318M 42 LRHealth&BeautySystems $313M 43 TeamNational,Inc. $301M 44 Longrich(JiangsuLongliqi) $287M 45 4LifeResearchL.C. $268M 46 CharleCorp.Ltd. $258M 47 AdvocareInternationalL.P. $255M 48 PM-International $249M 49 AnnSummers $235M 50 NaturallyPlus $233M 51 TeamBeachbody $218M 52 TakeShapeForLife(Medifast) $216M 53 JapanLife $215M 54 KparK $214M 55 FamilyHeritageLife $202M 56 CUTCO(VectorMarketing) $200M 56 HuisClos $200M 56 ItWorks!Global $200M 59 BearCere’JuCo.Ltd. $192M 60 HillarysBlinds $189M 61 LifeVantageCorp. $187M 62 KOYOSHA $186M 63 ViridianEnergy* $182M 64 Mannatech,Inc. $173M 65 Elken $172M 66 GNLD $170M 66 OrganoGoldInternational $170M 68 EnagicUSA,Inc. $165M 68 NorthAmericanPower $165M 70 LuxInternational $163M 71 HyCiteEnterprises,LLC $159M 73 PrincessHouse,Inc. $148M 74 ZhulianMarketing $145M 75 Sportron $143M 75 WorldVenturesHoldingsLLC $143M 77 NikkenGlobalInc. $133M 78 JeunesseGlobal $126M 79 Univera $121M 80 TriVita $120M 81 VemmaNutritionCo. $117M 82 ZijaInternational $110M 83 Rodan+Fields $108M 84 5LINXEnterprises,Inc. $104M 85 Momentis $103M 86 TheLongabergerCompany $100M 86 NeriumInternational $100M 88 Akasuka $98M 89 CreativeMemories $97M 90 TastefullySimpleInc. $96M 91 VisionInternationalPeopleGroup $95M 92 IonCosmetics $93M 93 ChandealCo.Ltd. $86M 94 Nefful $79M 95 Kleeneze,Ltd. $76M 96 Youngevity $75M 97 TheMairaCo.Ltd. $72M 97 SupremeProducts $72M 99 NatureCare $71M 100 RelivInternational $69M *TherevenuefigurereflectedforViridianexcludes43daysofrevenuefromOct.1toNov.12,2012. NOTE: OurinitialrankingincludedacompanyatNo.72thatrequestedwithdrawalfromthelistatthetimeoftheGlobal100announcementonApril3,2013. Thefollowingcompanysubmittedinformationaftertherequesteddeadline: BetterWay/Mistine,$460million,Thailand PROGRAMDISCLAIMERS TheGlobal100Listoffersauniqueperspectiveontheglobalimpactoftheindustrybyrecognizingcompaniesrevenueachievements. Recognitionforeachofthesecompaniesistheculminationofmonthsofresearchandthecooperationofmanyindividualsaroundtheworld.Whereverpossible,theDSNteamseeksoutpublicrecordsanddocumentsforpubliclytradedcompanies,andnearly80percentoftheDSNGlobal100dataiscompiledfromprivatelyheldcompanies. Toparticipate,acompanyneedonlysubmitanetrevenuenumbervalidatedbytheCEOandcertifiedbyaqualifiedagentviaRevenueCertificationForm(RCF).Therankingcriteriaisnetsalesrevenuefromdirectsellingoperationsbeforecommissionsandwithoutvalue-addedtax. TheNewDSNWeeklyDashboard Oneemail.Onceaweek.Onlytheessentials. 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