DNV Group - UN Global Compact
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DNV helps you formulate and communicate emission reduction goals and advises you on how to monitor and report your results. #ESG ... CompanyInformation Company DNVGroup www.dnv.com ShareProfile Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Google+ Type: Company Country: Norway Sector: SupportServices Ownership: PrivatelyHeld GlobalCompactStatus: Active ParticipantSince 10June2003 TwitterFeedfromDNVGroup Tweetsby@DNV_GROUP Engagements BusinessAmbitionfor1.5°C CaringForClimate ClimateAmbitionAccelerator ScienceBasedTargets(Committed) PrinciplesandGlobalGoalsAddressedintheirmostrecentCoP NextCommunicationonProgress(CoP)dueon: 2023-06-16 HumanRights Labour Environment Anti-Corruption Goal1 Goal2 Goal3 Goal4 Goal5 Goal6 Goal7 Goal8 Goal9 Goal10 Goal11 Goal12 Goal13 Goal14 Goal15 Goal16 Goal17 AffiliatedSubsidiaries Country CompanyName Singapore DNVBusinessAssuranceSingaporePte.Ltd. Japan DNVBusinessAssuranceJapanK.K. CommunicationOnProgress PublishedOn Title Level 2022-06-16 CommunicationonProgress2022 Advanced 2021-06-16 CommunicationonProgressDNV2020 Advanced 2020-06-17 CommunicationonProgress2019 Active 2019-06-18 CommunicationonProgress2018DNVGL Advanced 2018-06-18 DNVGLCommunicationonProgress2017 Advanced 2017-09-14 DNVGLCommunicationonProgress2016 Advanced 2016-10-03 CommunicationonProgress Advanced 03-Oct-2016 GraceLetter N/A 2015-10-03 DNVGLGroupCommunicationonProgress2015 Active 2014-08-29 CommunicationonProgress Advanced 2013-08-29 2012AnnualReport"DoingtheRightThing" Advanced 2012-08-07 CommunicationonProgress Active 2012-05-10 GraceLetter N/A 2011-05-10 2011CommunicationonProgress Active 2010-06-03 2010CommunicationonProgress N/A 2009-08-26 DNVAnnualReport2008 N/A 2008-05-21 DNVAnnualReport2007 N/A 2007-09-14 DNVAnnualReport2006 N/A 2006-12-01 DNVAnnualReport2005 N/A 2005-05-13 DNVAnnualreport2004 N/A Note:Responsibilityforthecontentofparticipants'publiccommunicationrelatedtotheTenPrinciplesoftheUNGlobalCompactandtheirimplementationlieswithparticipantsthemselvesandnotwiththeUNGlobalCompact.
- 1ESG and sustainability performance - DNV.hr
Setting the right ESG goals will help your company demonstrate performance to your customers, inv...
- 2ESG & Sustainability Reporting - DNV
- 3DNV – CSRone 永續智庫
標籤. “DNV”. 報告書(0) 新聞(0) 專題(3) 活動(0) ESG學堂(0). 沒有符合條件的資料. CSRone. 關於我們 · 聯絡我們. 永續資訊. 報告書 · 專題 · 新聞...
- 4ESG and sustainability performance - DNV
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance shows how a company is addressing the sust...
- 5Tweets with replies by DNV (@DNV_Group) / Twitter
reflect on how reporting requirements might change in the future and how DNV helps customers brin...