worth a try - Wiktionary
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AdjectiveEdit · worth a try (not comparable). Deserving of an attempt. When the inspectors boarded the train and I didn' ... worthatry DefinitionfromWiktionary,thefreedictionary Jumptonavigation Jumptosearch Contents 1English 1.1Adjective 1.1.1Usagenotes 1.1.2Translations English[edit] Adjective[edit] worthatry(notcomparable) Deservingofanattempt. WhentheinspectorsboardedthetrainandIdidn'thaveaticket,IthoughtitwasworthatrytopretendIdidn'tspeakEnglish. I'mnotsurethiswillwork,butit'sworthatry. Usagenotes[edit] Thisisusedeitherforpastactionswhoseinitialaimfailed,orforfutureactionsthatmaynotbesuccessful. Translations[edit] deservingofanattempt Russian:заслуживающий (ru)(zasluživajuščij)попытки (ru)(popytki) Retrievedfrom"https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=worth_a_try&oldid=61498944" Categories:EnglishlemmasEnglishadjectivesEnglishuncomparableadjectivesEnglishmultiwordtermsEnglishtermswithusageexamples Navigationmenu Personaltools NotloggedinTalkContributionsCreateaccountLogin Namespaces EntryDiscussion English Views ReadEditHistory More Search Navigation MainPageCommunityportalPreferencesRequestedentriesRecentchangesRandomentryHelpGlossaryDonationsContactus Tools WhatlinkshereRelatedchangesUploadfileSpecialpagesPermanentlinkPageinformationCitethispage Print/export CreateabookDownloadasPDFPrintableversion Inotherlanguages
- 1It's worth trying. 和It's worth a try. 的差別在哪裡?如果不好說明
It's worth trying.的同義字They mean the same thing , but "It's worth a try" is more casual, so it is ...
- 2it's worth a try-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: I mean, it's worth a try.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"it's worth a try"
- 3it's worth to try vs it's worth trying | Grammar Checker
Quick Scan is extremely fast, so it's worth trying even if you have a damaged disk. If Quick Scan...
- 4it's worth trying - TextRanch
It's worth to try at least once. It's really worth to try a tour on a horse carried sleigh, comfo...
- 5Worth-a-try Definitions - YourDictionary
Define worth-a-try. Worth-a-try as a adjective means Deserving of an attempt..