so much as - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
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都不做 He left without so much as a nod. 他連頭也不點一下就離開了。
Off he went, without so much as a goodbye'. 他走了, 甚至連“再見”都沒說。
- 1so much as是什麼意思_so much as在線翻譯_英語_ ... - 海词词典
I was so tired that I lost myself during marching. 我太累了,甚至在行進中睡著了。 She went so far as to rent dow...
- 2so much as是什么意思,so much as怎么读,so much as翻译 ...
so much as的中文意思:甚至于,点击查看详细解释:so much as的中文翻译、so much as的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握so much as这个 ...
- 3【英文文法】... - 中英物語/ 中翻英/ Chinese to English ...
【英文文法】今天中英物語教你們一個很棒的英文文法,叫做so much as,以下哪個英文正確? 我即使只看到蛋糕,也會變胖。 【A】If I so much ...
- 4so much as - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
都不做 He left without so much as a nod. 他連頭也不點一下就離開了。 Off he went, without so much as a goodbye'. 他...
- 5So much as definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
So much as definition: If you say that someone did not do so much as perform a particular action,...