Please Keep Loving Me-歌詞-James TW|MyMusic 懂你想聽的
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Please Keep Loving Me-歌詞-I know I have my momentsAnd at times I\'m hard to be aroundI get impatient when you\'re getting dressedIt\'s just, I thought the ... 首頁 > JamesTW > RomanticPopSongs > PleaseKeepLovingMe 專輯:RomanticPopSongs 歌手: JamesTW 發行時間:2020.08 作詞: 作曲: 編曲: 分類:西洋 PleaseKeepLovingMe 2020.08 RomanticPopSongs JamesTW 聽歌去 歌詞 錯誤回報 IknowIhavemymoments AndattimesI'mhardtobearound Igetimpatientwhenyou'regettingdressed It'sjust,Ithoughtthefirstonelookedthebest You'rebeautiful MorethanIdeserve Solistenclose Tothese1,2,3,4words,oh Pleasekeeplovingme Causeourheartsbeatfluently WhereverIgo,whateverIdo Themaponmyheartleadstoyou Sobaby,pleasekeeplovingme Lovingme,lovingme Yourlipsonmysmile Arelikebeesroundahoneycomb Youseethroughmyharshmistywindows Andoutofallthefingerprintsonlyyourswillshow You'rebeautiful Beforethemake-upson Andoutofallthegirls You'retheoneIwant Pleasekeeplovingme Causeourheartsbeatfluently WhereverIgo,whateverIdo Themaponmyheartleadstoyou Sobaby,pleasekeeplovingme Lovingme,lovingme Forallthemistakes I'mmaking,Idon'tmean Idon'tmeanthem,Idon'tmeanthem Forallthelittlethings ThatIfailedtosee Myheartisonmysleeve Pleasekeeplovingme Causeourheartsbeatfluently WhereverIgo,whateverIdo Themaponmyheartleadstoyou Sobaby,pleasekeeplovingme Loving,lovingme Pleasekeeplovingme 相似藝人 錯誤回報 作詞: 西洋: 2020.08 專輯: RomanticPopSongs 歌手: JamesTW 錯誤原因 請選擇 歌詞中有錯字 歌詞不完整 詞、曲創作人有誤 整首歌的歌詞不對 歌詞頁面無法顯示 優先製作K歌歌詞 錯誤描述 取消 確認修改
- 1Please Keep Loving Me-歌詞-James TW|MyMusic 懂你想聽的
Please Keep Loving Me-歌詞-I know I have my momentsAnd at times I\'m hard to be aroundI get impatie...
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