BOM Header - SAP Documentation
文章推薦指數: 80 %
In the BOM header, you maintain data that refers to the entire object: ... This data is maintained on various header details screens. On each detail screen, you ... BOMHeader IntheBOMheader,youmaintaindatathatreferstotheentireobject: ForamultipleBOM,thismeansoneofthealternativeBOMsforanobject(forexample,aproduct) ForavariantBOM,thismeansoneofthevariants Thisdataismaintainedonvariousheaderdetailsscreens.Oneachdetailscreen,youseetheheaderdatathatidentifiestheBOMuniquelyinthesystem. Seealso: DataUsedtoIdentifyaBOM HeaderDetailScreen:Quantity/LongText HeaderDetailScreen:AdditionalData HeaderDetailScreen:AdministrativeData
- 1SAP Bom Header Tables - TCode Search
- 2位元組順序記號 - 维基百科
位元組順序記號(英語:byte-order mark,BOM)是位於碼點 U+FEFF 的統一碼字符的名称。當以UTF-16或UTF-32來將UCS/統一碼字符所組成的字串編碼時,這個字符被用來...
- 3Changing a BOM Header | SAP Help Portal
You can goto the BOM header from various screens: Initial screen. Item overviews. Item detail. Cl...
- 4The byte-order mark (BOM) in HTML - W3C
When sending custom HTTP headers the code to set the header must be called before output begins. ...
- 5Byte order mark - Wikipedia
The byte order mark (BOM) is a particular usage of the special Unicode character, U+FEFF BYTE ORD...