po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
- 1我確認行程後再回覆你英文怎麼說?這課上完 - engroad.com
這句英文也有好幾種類似的講法:. Let me check my schedule and get back to you later. 等我確認過行程後,晚點再給你答覆。
- 2職場英文:「我知道了」不能說“I know”? - 關鍵評論網
大家有沒有覺得,中文實在跟英文差太多了,每次只要中式思考,講出來的英文十次有九次是錯的,真的好困擾啊!今天我們來深入探討兩個用法, ...
- 35個超實用辦公室英文例句大公開! - VoiceTube - 工商時報
可以麻煩你將資料檔傳給我嗎? 5. Could you kindly help me confirm the following information? 能麻煩你協助我確認以下資訊嗎? 「請同...
- 4我确认- 英文翻译- Cncontext - 英语
Uh... Bossman said to secure the area, so I'm securing it. 我有确认过哦这是确认单. Did I mention I had a con...
- 5不要再說"double confirm"了!-戒掉爛英文|商周
I double-checked that the file was attached. 我小心檢查過檔案已經附上。 Don't forget to double-check the reser...