unconditioned response中文
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關於「unconditioned response中文」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
Unconditioned Response, UCR - 非制約反應Unconditioned Response, UCR - 非制約反應terms.naer.edu.tw › detail關於精選摘要古典制約- 维基百科,自由的百科全书制約刺激(conditioned stimulus、CS)則是能夠引起制約反應(conditioned response、CR)的初始中性刺激(neutral stimulus、NS),這是需要學習的。
且制約刺激與心理學上 ... twClassical Conditioning - 古典制約 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙在此實驗中,食物稱為非制約刺激(Unconditioned Stimulus, UCS),鈴聲為制約刺激(Conditioned Stimulus, CS);實驗開始時由食物引起的唾液反應稱為非制約 ... | Conditioning and Learning | Noba[Image: David Mease, https://goo.gl/R9cQV7, CC BY-NC 2.0, ... The dog food in Pavlov's experiment is called the unconditioned stimulus (US) because it ...古典制約- MBA智库百科在此實驗歷程中,實驗者稱A為非制約刺激(unconditioned stimulus, UCS),B刺激稱為制約刺激(conditioned stimulus, CS),由A刺激原來所引起的反應,稱為非制約 ... | Differences Between Classical vs. Operant ConditioningThe classical conditioning process involves pairing a previously neutral stimulus (such as the sound of a bell) with an unconditioned stimulus (the taste of ... tw | twMemory: Organization and Locus of ChangeThe functional neuroanatomy of a conditioned response. In R. F. Thompson, L. H. Hicks, ... Collingridge, G. L., Kehl, S. J., & McLennan, H. (1983).Cumulated Index MedicusSurg Endosc 1995 Jan ; Phillips GL , Nevill TJ , Spinelli JJ , Nantel SH ... Whitelaw RB , Robbins TW , Everitt Phillips I see King A Mechanisms of sexual ...Hearing: An Introduction to Psychological and Physiological AcousticsHear Res 4, 299–307. Picton, TW. 2007. Audiometry using auditory steady-state responses. In: RF Burkhard, M Don, JJ Eggermont (eds.) ...Attention and Orienting: Sensory and Motivational ProcessesContextual control of conditioned fear: Tests for the associative value of the ... Conditional fear as revealed by magnitude of startle response to an ...
- 1Unconditioned Stimulus, UCS - 非制約刺激
非制約刺激 · Unconditioned Stimulus, UCS · 名詞解釋: 在巴夫洛夫(I.P. Pavlov)用狗作唾液分泌的古典制約學習(Classical Conditioni...
- 2古典制約· 超普通心理學
原來的中性刺激,便稱為制約刺激(Conditioned Stimulus、CS)。 你可能還是覺得有點抽象,因此以下我們將用帕夫洛夫的實驗來具體說明古典制約的學習方式。 一 ...
- 3经典条件反射_百度百科
经典条件反射(classical conditioning)的典型范例,包含了可重复的中性刺激和非条件刺激。非条件刺激(unconditioned stimulus、US)能够引起非条件反应(u...
- 4心理學解釋名詞
在古典制約中,沒有經過訓練而直接由非制約刺激所引起的反應叫「非制約反應」。見conditioned response, conditioned stimulus 及unconditioned s...
- 5古典制約- MBA智库百科
在此實驗歷程中,實驗者稱A為非制約刺激(unconditioned stimulus, UCS),B刺激稱為制約刺激(conditioned stimulus, CS),由A刺激原來所引起的反應...