meeting recap中文

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Google 翻譯Google 的免費翻譯服務提供中文和其他上百種語言的互譯功能,能即時翻譯字詞、 詞組和網頁內容。

recap | recap外商企業最愛的5個「策略字眼」 - 今周刊2016年11月18日 · 外商企業最愛用字,我們略過最常用,像con-call、meeting、proposal、briefing、 agenda…這類第一 ... make sense是一個口語用詞,意思是"有道理",這個動詞片語經常夾雜在中文口語中。

... 不要以為recap就是summary,做recap隱涵的意思是”recap what matters” 講重點! ... 服務信箱:[email protected]. | 跟外商哈拉先懂這5句-戒掉爛英文|商周2013年5月24日 · make sense是口語用詞,意思是「有道理」,常夾雜在中文口語中使用, ... 有時是開場:We start with a quick recap of our previous meeting. | Finance Committee meeting recap - Nov 17, 2020 - Franklin Matters2020年11月20日 · ---- As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the ...Otter: Meeting Note, Transcription, Voice Recorder - Google Play ...評分 4.5 (11,852) · 免費 · AndroidOtter is where conversations live. It records and takes meeting notes for you in real time, so you can stay focused on the conversation and rest assured that ...Cisco Jabber - Google Play 應用程式Cisco Jabber™ for Android is a collaboration application that provides presence, instant messaging (IM), cloud messaging, voice and video calling, voicemail ...Stop the Meeting Madness - Harvard Business ReviewSummary. Many executives feel overwhelmed by meetings, and no wonder: On average, they spend nearly 23 hours a week in them, up from less than 10. twNew GHG regulations for ships approved during IMO MEPC 75 ...2020年11月20日 · The 75th session of the IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee ... For more information about the regulations and DNV GL services, ...Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available-9507250047 Requests review of transcript of interview of alleger re potential safety ... 9507030318 Forwards response to GL 95-03 , " Circumferential Cracking of SG Tubes . ... 9507 120 130 Notification of 950717 meeting w / util in Rockville , MD to update staff on licensee probabilistic safety assessment . ALEXION , T.W .Flower's Political review and monthly register. (monthly ...That it is the fervent hope of the country . this meeting that the people of the 2. ... That G. L. Wardle , Esq . has election , has proved himself unwor . by his ... W. Maule , J. J. Smith , T. W. Coke , Esq . W. Honywood , C. S. Hunter , Sheriffs .
